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Pastor Steve and Becky Munds began working with young people in 1975.

They've been traveling and working in camps, prisons, detention centers, churches, concerts, conferences, and more than 35 international outreaches including Peru, Mexico, Russia, Jamaica, and England. This includes schools, colleges, universities, TV, radio, just to name a few.

Basically, if it involves young people, they've been there!

Go Deep!

Go Deep!

Recently I was thinking back about when I was 14 years old. I was at a youth camp and I went forward and was baptized in the Holy Ghost. I am telling you, that began a deeper encounter with God. Suddenly the identity of God's authority began to bring more...

Faith Cometh…

Faith Cometh…

Faith cometh...and comes...and keeps on coming! It's a continuation of revelation on the grounds of opening God's Book and finding God's stand on and against circumstances. Faith cometh! It's a continuation! Gang, whether you have a circumstance or not, problem or...

ArticlesChristian Living
Chasing God

Chasing God

The closer you get to God, the further you get from the world. And not only that, but the closer you get to God, the more the things of the world are going to offend you. I'm to the place right now where even some TV commercials offend me. I mean, I'm not talking...

There Is No Other Way

There Is No Other Way

I once read an article in USA Today where a guy, from some cult, predicted that God was going to show up and speak to everybody on a certain Friday. So all the people from that cult showed up on that Friday thinking that they were going to see God. Guess what? God...

ArticlesChristian Living


Belief creates attitude and attitude behavior. Your actions (or behavior) produce the results (or fruit) of your life. So think of it this way, if your mind is receiving bad truth, your belief will produce bad attitude, which will eventually produce bad fruit. Be...

The Word is Light

The Word is Light

Did you know that the Word of God is light? The Bible says: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Ps. 119:105 KJV) The Word also says: Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. (Ps. 199:11) The Word of God is the...

Jaws! Part 2

Jaws! Part 2

(To read Part 1, search author archives.)Tommy got there first, putting his foot in a cyclone fence square and cleared it with one leap. I started to do the same. But when I went to leap, my foot slipped and I crashed to the ground. When I looked up, staring me...

Jaws! (Part One)

Jaws! (Part One)

In 1 Peter 5:8, the Bible talks about Satan's ability to devour. The Amplified Bible says, "seeking someone to seize upon and devour." First of all, "devour" in the Greek means "to drink down. In order for Satan to devour you he has to liquidate you or basically...

God is Good All the Time

God is Good All the Time

Years ago I worked at what I call a half Gospel church. (Sometimes it was empty Gospel.) certainly wasn't full Gospel. At that time they taught us that God does evil and hurtful things in your life just to teach you something or to test you. I thought...

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