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Pastor Steve and Becky Munds began working with young people in 1975.

They've been traveling and working in camps, prisons, detention centers, churches, concerts, conferences, and more than 35 international outreaches including Peru, Mexico, Russia, Jamaica, and England. This includes schools, colleges, universities, TV, radio, just to name a few.

Basically, if it involves young people, they've been there!

Double Jeopardy!

Double Jeopardy!

What happens when begin to believe lies about yourself? You will begin to attract liars into your life! Don't believe me? I can give you a scripture that will back that statement up. "The wicked enjoy fellowship with others who are wicked; liars enjoy liars" (Prov....

The Place of God

The Place of God

When you get into the place of God, which provides the position of God and the presence of God, it produces the power of God! Young people don't let sitting on the living room couch, watching TV playing the latest video game, be the final resting place for what God...

Liars Attract Liars

Liars Attract Liars

When you believe a lie you become part of a lie and then you begin lying—after that you will attract liars into your life. "The wicked enjoy fellowship with others who are wicked; liars enjoy liars" (Prov. 17:4 TLB). When you start to believe the lies you will...

Knowing God’s Thoughts

Knowing God’s Thoughts

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways, your ways. Now, as the Heavens are higher, so are My ways higher. (Isa. 55:8-9) There are three reasons that people serve God: Because He is God, all supreme. Because He knows what is best for us. Out of love...

No Limits!

No Limits!

Belief creates attitude and attitude creates behavior and behavior is the fruit (the results) of your life. Paul said in Ephesians chapter one, Verse 16, "I do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers." Notice what Paul is praying? Look...

What’s the Plan?

What’s the Plan?

Establishing a plan of action is something you need in your motivation for leadership. Write the vision baby! Write it down. Write it for your life! Then the LORD answered me and said: "Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it."...

Ignorance…A Disease?!

Ignorance…A Disease?!

The worst disease a person can be infected with is ignorance. Why? Because ignorance kills. "My people perish (die) because of ignorance (lack of knowledge)" (Hos. 4:6). Remember the old adage, "what you don't know won't hurt you"? How many, intentionally good...

Now Faith

Now Faith

Ever hear of "now faith"? Well, I'm here to tell you that you need to be ready for "now faith" because whether you have a circumstance or not, or a problem or not…your faith needs to be "exercising" before the problems arrive! Basically, it's your way of being...

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