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Accelerate Your Progress
I want to share something with you today about how God can do things in an instant that would take you years to try to make happen.When I look back, I am almost overwhelmed at what God has done in me and through this ministry in such a short time. If you will take...
Dream It. Pin It. Live It.
In 1993, a nine-year-old girl was asked by her teacher to make a vision board. She pinned a photo of the singer, Selena holding her Grammy award. That little girl grew up to become an international pop star-one. That little girl was Katy Perry.It was 2006 when a 36...
It’s Your Time to Answer the Call
When I was in High School, I had my own phone line in my room (obviously before cell phones). My mom used to call me from her room and say, "Good morning. This is your wake up call!" I believe God is saying the same thing to you right now as you read this letter....
Your Routine is the Secret to Your Future
Would you let me observe you for a day? Well, I can't really shadow you for a day, but I ask because it brings to light an important principle. Just by observing what someone does on a day-to-day basis, you can tell how successful they intend to become. No matter...
Start Saying “No” More
If you are tired of always being busy and stressed-out, but not effective and productive, I have some things to share that I believe will help you today. I read where Bill Gates, Bill Gates Sr., and Warren Buffet attended a dinner party and were asked, "What would...
You Get What You Ask For
Any time I hear from a friend from high school or college, they always seem to ask me the same question, "Are you surprised to be doing what you're doing?" I always respond with, "I am overwhelmed by what God has done in my life and I feel like the least-likely...
Clean Up and Clean Out!
My mom is such a perfectionist about having her house clean, organized and everything in its place! I mean everything! Her house is home-y but almost “museum-like”…. got it? If she calls me out of the blue and says, “Terri, I’m on my way over. I’ll be at your...
Accelerate Your Progress
"Like sands through the hourglass . . . so are the days of our lives." I know, it's deep. But the truth is, another year just flew by! This is my favorite time of year because I get to celebrate what God has done all last year and begin praying, strategizing, and...
Breaking Soul Ties
I am so grateful to report that our weekly ministry video on YouTube has surpassed over 1 million views! You probably don't know that out of the hundreds of videos I've recorded since 2008, my highest viewed series is on the topic of breaking soul ties. I...
The DRIVE You Need
Someone once described the game of football as 60,000 people who desperately need exercise watching 22 men who desperately need rest. But the game of football is highly indicative of life itself. Most people watch from the sidelines-few ever really get off the...
Your Dream Routine
Did you know that your greatest possession is the 24 hours you have directly ahead of you? When you grasp this truth, you will view each day as a gift and another opportunity to grow and prepare for greater success. I remember back to 2002 when I began developing...
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