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Whatever It Takes
I recently had the privilege of preaching at Rhema Bible Church as the congregation celebrated their 30 year anniversary. It was a real shock to me that it had actually been 30 years—three full decades—since Pastor Hagin, Doug Jones, Fred Brothers, and I walked out...
Who Will Rule Over You?
Something believers need to strongly consider these days is the issue of authority, and more specifically, God’s authority. A fundamental question every human being must answer has to do with whether or not they will submit their lives to God’s rule and reign....
Why I No Longer Believe in Food: Part 2
In saying this, I’m not indicating that that all methodologies and systems are equally effective, or that all doctrine preached everywhere is right. Should we aspire to the best methods and the most accurate doctrine? Absolutely! But we should also keep in mind...
Why I No Longer Believe in Food: Part 1
In the past I did, but I no longer believe in food. If you stop and think about it, there is no unity or agreement in the food industry, so how could food be true? All you have to do is drive down the street and you’ll see countless contradictions when it comes to...
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