“Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3).
Timothy’s commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ was being severely tested. He had some serious problems going on. First, the crazy lunatic, Nero, the Roman emperor, was persecuting the Christians, and Timothy could have gotten killed.
Secondly, all who were standing with him, his assistants, elders, and many members of his church abandoned him. They went back to worshiping Roman idol gods so they could live.
Well, Timothy was having a serious problem with this. In fact, this was having a tremendous, negative effect on his mind.
Now Paul, Timothy’s spiritual father, admonishes him to endure hardness as a good soldier in God’s army. To endure hardness means if you have to suffer, then do it. It means whatever you have to do, by whatever means you have to do it, be as committed as your commander was.
Our Commander, Jesus Christ, was willing to give his life for us and we have to be committed to Him.
First John, chapter three, the latter part of verse eight, explains why Jesus came.
For this purpose was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
(1 John 3:8b)
Jesus came to do spiritual warfare. He didn’t back off because of physical danger. What did he do? He prayed. He knew He was going to the cross, so He prayed so hard that sweat fell off Him as though it were gobs of blood.
When He prayed, He overwhelmed the physical strongholds that came against His flesh. And by getting over in the spiritual realm, he received the power of the anointing. Then on the cross He could say, “Father forgive them, they don’t even know what they’re doing.”
Satan couldn’t win over Jesus because He had spiritual power. It wasn’t physical strength that held Jesus in; it was spiritual strength. He was anointed. In the same sense, physical strength isn’t going to cause victory in your life; but spiritual strength by the anointing of the Holy Ghost will.
So maintain your courage like your Commander, Jesus Christ – having done all to stand – stand. Yes, stand in your victory because God sees you as a winner. Don’t lean on the flesh, stay in the Spirit. Know that you are anointed with power. Don’t give up, stay in God’s Word. Remember, God didn’t give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
Scripture Reference: 2 Timothy 1:7; 2:3-5, 11-13
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Keith Butler has been an ordained minister since 1974. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and holds diplomas from Canada Christian College and Rhema Bible Training Center.
He serves in ministry with the support of his lovely wife, Pastor Deborah L. Butler, and their children: Pastor Andre Butler (granddaughters Alexis, Angela, and April), Pastor MiChelle Ferguson and husband Pastor Lee (grandson Lucas), and Minister Kristina Jenkins and husband Pastor Joel (grandsons Andrew and Austin, and granddaughter Alyssa).