Be Still and Know

by Sharah LaGail Wyatt | Uncategorized

When you want what God wants for the same reason He wants it—you become unlimited and unstoppable. That comes from knowing Him intimately.

“Be still and know that I Am God…”
Psalm 46.10

Have you ever noticed that it takes time to really know someone? Oh, you may know a little bit about someone—but to really know them, intimately, that takes time, a great deal of it.

Well it’s the same way with knowing God. You must spend time with Him in order to really know Him. You won’t know His heart, you won’t know His intent or His ways unless you set aside the time it takes to really know Him—intimately.

For many of us, we’ve not just begun walking with God—but no matter how long we’ve known Him or how intimately—it’s never time to stop pursuing more of Him. Because, in actuality, no matter how much you do know is relatively minute in comparison to all that God is.

Psalm 46 talks about our God being a Mighty Warrior (Lord of Hosts): “God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present help in trouble…” (Psalm 46.1). Verse after verse reflects His awesome acts and His faithfulness to protect and defend His people. So why is “Be still and know that I Am God…” squeezed right in the middle of all that?

Well, for one reason, verse 10 is not the only place in this chapter that it relates this idea. Three times the word “selah” is interlaced into this Psalm (vv. 3, 7, 11). “Selah” is a Hebraic musical term that denotes a brief suspension or pause. When these Psalms were sung to music, at each point the word “selah” was encountered, the musicians would suspend the music (hold the note) for a short time-period, or simply pause it all together, in order to give time for the worshippers to reflect upon what was just sung. When God said, “Be still and know that I Am God…” He was speaking the same thing.

Verse 8 says, “Come and behold the works of the Lord…”  We must be still, pause our thoughts, and suspend everything else to reflect upon all that God is, all that He’s done, in order to know him.

This is not just a good idea or a nice suggestion—sometimes, it’s the only thing that will get you through those times when nothing else will.

Often we may receive a word from the Lord about our life, our destiny, or perhaps we run across a scripture verse that so perfectly fits the exact situation or need we was dealing with —but then over time when that initial fervour and excitement subsides, we can find our self on the edge of discouragement—wondering even if our situation will ever change.

During times like that, you often can’t even think of anything to pray or scripture to confess. Even if you can, it’s as if your words are hitting a brick wall or being tossed into the wind. When that occurs (or better yet, before it does)—it’s time to selah.

It’s time to be still and know that He is God. It’s time to stop everything, lay all the anxieties of our soul aside—put a pause on life and reflect upon God’s unchangeable faithfulness. Not just His faithfulness to you in the past—but His absolute faithfulness to you right now.

When God speaks a word into your spirit, He is letting you see, momentarily, the end from the beginning—a glimpse of the end result. He will never show you something good and then tell you “No, you can’t have it—I changed My mind.”  No. When God says something, you can count on its authenticity and its credibility.

One area I believe all of us have experienced a little difficulty is in the area of patience. It certainly has not always been my favourite word in the dictionary, in the Bible, or in  life!  But most of the time, the reason we don’t like it is because we really haven’t understood it.

Patience is one of the most powerful forces in existence. When what God has said is so deeply rooted and engraved upon your heart that absolutely no person, no demon, no circumstance can convince you that what He’s said won’t come to pass—then walking in patience is no longer an issue.

When you become fully persuaded in God’s promises to you, you have entered into such a state of peace in Him concerning those things that, in a sense, it no longer makes a difference how long it may take for them to come to pass—all that’s coursing through your mind and heart is the absolute assurance that they will. It’s as good as done.

Making time to be still and know will ultimately lead you to this place of  fully persuaded and fully satisfied. Once you’ve heard from God, it’s imperative to stop and “selah”. You have to meditate that word into your spirit so that it can take root and produce what God has spoken.
When you hit a wall of disillusionment, of numbness, of discouragement—it is only through being still and knowing Him that will cause you to inherit what He’s promised.

In returning and rest you will be saved; in quietness and confidence lies your strength.
(Isa. 30:15)

Sometimes all that will sustain you is to hold that last note you heard from God, and suspend it until it comes to pass. That’s selah. At that point, it’s no longer nourishing to your innermost being to just quote the promise—you’ve reached the place that the only thing that will uphold you is to feed on His Faithfulness. You have to grasp His Word about you and hold onto it until it’s fulfilled.

The beautiful thing about being still and knowing Him is that when you hold on to His Word like that, you’re holding onto Him. When you keep what He said on your mind all the time, you’re keeping Him on your mind. And when you take time to be still before him and position yourself to know Him intimately —then, as with any intimate relationship, you will come to know His innermost thoughts, feelings, desires, and dreams —and ultimately, you’ll become one in heart and one in mind with Him.

When that takes place, you have stepped beyond the realm of limitation. Virtually nothing is impossible to the one who is in such a position.

Mark 9.23 says, “…all things are possible to them who believe.” 

But believing begins first with knowing. “And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is Love, And he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” 
(1 John 4.16)

When you want what God wants for the same reason He wants it—you become unlimited and unstoppable. That comes from knowing Him intimately—from entering into Holy intercourse between your spirit and the Spirit of God. It is allowing His Heart to intermingle with your own until there is no distinction between the thoughts and intents of your heart and His.

When you take the time to selah, to wait in the stillness of His Presence—there alone lies the hiding place of His power for all you’ll ever need. So grab hold of that last note, race into the quiet place, feed upon His unfailing faithfulness… And just be still and know that He is God…selah.

First Love Ministries International aka FERVOUR
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Sharah LaGail Wyatt is Founder and President of First Love Ministries International aka FERVOUR (based in Fort Worth, Texas), with an extensive background in the fine and performing arts and in ministry. She is a member of the International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM). As an anointed teacher, writer/author, graphic artist, musician and composer, she desires to lead people of all ages into the presence of God and into developing a lifestyle of faith, worship and intimacy with Him.

Sharah has authored numerous articles on topics including prayer, holiness/purity, wisdom, faith, love, worship, healing/restoration and living in Christ. She is also the author of several books including: In His Presence: the meaning of true worship (2004), In Christ You Stand (2008), I Will: activating the master switch of the soul (2008). Her monthly ministry publication (newsletter), first published in 2005, is currently distributed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, East Africa, West Africa, Argentina, Pakistan, India, Singapore, and the Philippines. Her young adult publication, FERVOUR, is distributed quarterly.

The official Website of First Love Ministries International, (launched in 2006), features a full Study Centre exhibiting numerous Online Articles written by Sharah LaGail Wyatt, along with a topical Question & Answer section also compiled by the author. The website continues to receive recurrent visits from more than 60 nations on six continents.

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