Become Transformed By the Word

by Andre Butler | Articles, Christian Living

Let’s look at Romans chapter 12 for one of the keys to glorifying God in your body.

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Rom. 12:2).

Notice that the responsibility for glorifying God in your body and keeping your body under is on you, not God. It says you’re not to be conformed and that you’re to be transformed.

Do you want to be transformed?

First, don’t be conformed to this world. Don’t do things the world’s way, just because everyone else is doing it.

You are not like the world. In fact, as a Christian, you have what they need. You don’t have to follow them.

They don’t have anything that you need. They may look good, and they may “talk it up,” but without Jesus, they are sadly lacking. They’re miserable.

Don’t Follow the World – They’re Headed For Trouble
You could watch certain TV shows that reveal facts about all the movie stars, and to many people – sadly, even to some Christians – those stars represent everything they think they want: looks, houses, cars, money, and so forth.

But many movie stars are divorcing each other, stringing themselves out on drugs, and killing themselves. They’re miserable.

If their looks, houses, cars, and money were so good, they wouldn’t be doing all those things. The world’s way does not work but God’s way does.

Woman of God, don’t dress like the women of the world dress. Those women often don’t respect themselves. They don’t know that their body could be the temple of God.

They don’t have a clue. So don’t be conformed to them. Set your own standards based on the Word of God.

When we as Christians do this consistently, the world is going to start running to us, saying, “Hey, I want what you’ve got.”

Source: God’s Plan for the Single Saint by Andre Butler.
Excerpt permission granted by Word of Faith Publishing

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With an undeniable passion for equipping others to experience the future God has for them, André Butler is on a mission to share God’s desire to prosper His people in every area of their lives, and His command for them to do their part in winning the world to Jesus. The Pastor of Faith Xperience Church (FX Church) in the heart of Downtown Detroit, he is a sought-after conference speaker and host known for his practical and relatable approach to preaching God’s word.

An accomplished writer, Andre has penned numerous books. He is also a Screenwriter and Movie Producer and serves as the President of Faith Xperience Films and the Faith Xperience Network.

Andre has been featured in Jet Magazine and Gospel Today, His television broadcast has aired on BET and has won two Telly awards, and the “Streaming Broadcaster of the Year” award from Streaming Faith.

A graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, Pastor André also holds a bachelor’s degree in Management from Kennesaw State University. He resides in Metro Detroit.