Blessing or Materialism?

by Dennis Burke, Ph.D. | Uncategorized

For too long, the Body of Christ has struggled with the realization that God wants to bring increase and even financial miracles into our lives. There seems to have been an underlying fear that to want God to bring any kind of material increase was to be materialistic.

This fear of financial increase, as a part of the blessing of God, has been fed by people who have a misconception of God Himself.

To be materialistic means to endeavor to satisfy an emotional or spiritual need with a physical thing. No believer wants to have material things in a place of priority over God. Material increase is fine as long as you have the things you possess, but they do not have you.

When King David fell to his darkest moment through adultery and murder, God spoke to him and said, “I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your keeping, and gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if that had been too little, I also would have given you much more!” (2 Sam. 12:7-8)

God did not rebuke David by telling him he had too much. God said He would have given David even more if he had wanted more. David had sinned, but it was not the wealth or power that was the problem. God was ready and willing to increase him even further if David had wanted it.

God does not want to withhold His abundance from you, but you must walk with Him and honor His Word for the promise of increase to come to you.

Source: The Power to Increase by Dennis Burke
Excerpt permission granted by Dennis Burke Publications

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