Blessings While You Sleep

by Dick Mills | The Spirit Filled Believer

“He gives His beloved sleep” (Ps. 127:2 NKJ).

This verse is to remind us that a good night’s sleep is really a gift from the Lord.

Since God’s whole nature is giving, this word from Psalm 127:2 stresses that He is continuously giving, even while we are asleep. The Good News Bible translates this verse by saying that the Lord provides for those He loves while they are asleep.

One writer stated that God works when men do not work at all. He blesses and prospers them without any effort on their part. He blesses all who love Him whether they know it or not. He blesses and furthers the work of spiritual life even while we work not.

He blesses us silently, as if in the watches of the night, when we are all unconscious of it. Yes, truly He does give to His beloved while they sleep.

Not only does the Lord give physical refreshment to His beloved in their times of repose. He also has other things to give them while they sleep. Guidance can come while the conscious mind is at rest (Job 33:14-16). In the Bible we read of warnings, which were given to key people while they were asleep.

Healings, deliverances, visions, courage, strength, and new insights often come to saints during the sleep process. Gifts of spiritual illumination and direction have come through sleep.

When God shuts the door of the senses. He opens the door into the spirit. Many times He gives His beloved thoughts of truth and desires for good that surprises them when they awake. The Amplified Bible sums it all up: “…He gives [blessings] to His beloved in (their) sleep.” James Moffatt adds: “…God’s gifts come to his loved ones, as they sleep.”

Source: The Spirit-Filled Believer’s Daily Devotional by Dick Mills

Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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