Born Free: Part Two

by Sharah LaGail Wyatt | Articles, Christian Living

Just like the virgin Mary received and became impregnated with the very Word of God—so we too, will become impregnated with His very life—everything promised us in His Word—when we continually embrace our true identity of redemption.

For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light [lead the lives of those native-born to the Light]. For the fruit (the effect, the product) of the Light or the Spirit [consists]in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart, and trueness of life. And try to learn [in your experience] what is pleasing to the Lord [let your lives be constant proofs of what is most acceptable to Him].
(Eph. 5.8-10 AMP)

Do you know what is most acceptable to Him? Living out the full measure of your redemption. That’s walking in the Light.

In Ephesians 5 we’re informed that the Light of God uncovers and reveals everything hidden “….all things….are made manifest by the Light….” (vs.13)  Whatever needs to be uncovered or revealed to you so that you can experience Life in abundance—God’s Light dwelling within you will produce that result.

The most free life you will ever live is being in complete submission to the will of God—because He (not the devil) is the Author of Freedom. Galatians 5.13 states that, “….you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity of the flesh, but through love serve one another.”

What a more beautiful way to live than to use our God-given freedom to love and bless other people. “For all the law is fulfilled in one word even this: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Sound familiar? Amazingly, this is the key to walking in the spirit, because right after these verses, this is exactly what verse 16 of Galatians 5 says, “I say then; walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.”

It is virtually impossible to walk outside of love, outside of the light of God, outside of freedom, outside of abundant life—when you are locked in to your redemption, focused intently on God alone. That is really being born-free!

We have to enforce our freedom in God—and that can only be done by being so deeply rooted in our identity of redemption. That way, nothing will be able to pull us off of what belongs to us through the blood of Jesus.

It is time to stand fast in our liberty by which the anointing has made us free—not allowing ourselves to be entangled with the yoke of bondage of the law of sin and death ever again. (see Gal. 5.1)

I believe we are to be strongly encouraged to take a fresh, intent look at our redemption and never again allow anything to divert our fixed gaze from that true identity.

The life of God requires our strict focus in order to experience His best. So next time something contrary to what God wants for you tries to slip its chains around you—look it straight in the eye and declare—

“This I know, I was born free! And I take my stand in that freedom!”

(Editor’s Note: You may find Part 1 of this excellent series by Sharah LaGail Wyatt by searching  for her articles on the “Article Search” page.)

First Love Ministries International aka FERVOUR
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Sharah LaGail Wyatt is Founder and President of First Love Ministries International aka FERVOUR (based in Fort Worth, Texas), with an extensive background in the fine and performing arts and in ministry. She is a member of the International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM). As an anointed teacher, writer/author, graphic artist, musician and composer, she desires to lead people of all ages into the presence of God and into developing a lifestyle of faith, worship and intimacy with Him.

Sharah has authored numerous articles on topics including prayer, holiness/purity, wisdom, faith, love, worship, healing/restoration and living in Christ. She is also the author of several books including: In His Presence: the meaning of true worship (2004), In Christ You Stand (2008), I Will: activating the master switch of the soul (2008). Her monthly ministry publication (newsletter), first published in 2005, is currently distributed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, East Africa, West Africa, Argentina, Pakistan, India, Singapore, and the Philippines. Her young adult publication, FERVOUR, is distributed quarterly.

The official Website of First Love Ministries International, (launched in 2006), features a full Study Centre exhibiting numerous Online Articles written by Sharah LaGail Wyatt, along with a topical Question & Answer section also compiled by the author. The website continues to receive recurrent visits from more than 60 nations on six continents.