Carriers of the Glory

by George Pearsons | Audios, Christian Living

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From the first time they met in 1975 to today, Pastors George & Terri Pearsons have been building a partnership based on a foundation of faith. They became the pastors of EMIC in 1993 and have been going strong ever since. Together, they are a one-two punch to the devil.

Pastor George leads and guides our church. His heart is to love our people unconditionally, and help our congregation grow into men and women who know who they are in Christ Jesus. Pastor George teaches on topics such as: family relationships, overcoming pressure, living debt free and walking in love. His humor makes God�s Word accessible, and keeps us smiling as we learn to apply it to our daily lives.

Pastor Terri is Kenneth Copeland�s eldest daughter and she grew up praying alongside her godly grandmother. Calling on those years of learning, praying and obeying, she leads the prayer life of EMIC�teaching us the principles that change our lives, our families and our world. Pastor Terri�s rich heritage of faith is shared through the weekly prayer school she established and a team that leads prayer groups across the Metroplex.