Come, Follow Me
When Jesus was on the earth He spent a lot of time with His disciples training them for the life the God had designed for them. I often think about what it would have been like to follow Jesus, or maybe what it would have been like to hear Him say "Come follow me,...
Success Image in the Inner Man
When you place the Word of God in your heart by confessing what God has said about you, you create a success image in your human spirit. That spirit is where your treasure is (the Word), and the world cannot take that away. Adverse circumstances and the storms of...
Jesus Christ
Man, who needed a purpose, a mission, to keep him alive, had one. He could be...God's co-worker. -George Washington Carver The most legendary of all missions, of course, was Jesus'. He came to earth in the form of a baby, grew up experiencing the same heartaches...
Spreading the Glory of God
God does not only want us to live in His Glory - we are also to spread His Glory abroad. God's Glory is not only to show in us, but also through us. That is what is meant by "Go ye into all the world...." How easy will it be to reach people for Jesus Christ, when...
Words Paint Pictures
Words paint pictures. But what picture they paint depends not only on the speaker but also on the listener. Unless we listen very carefully we can get a fragmented or jumbled or distorted picture. Like a television transmission, the picture is only as good as the...
Our Present Day Intercessor
There have been many questions and much confusion over some things that happened to God's people under the Old Covenant. Many today try to link things that were suffered then to what we can expect to experience. But God has provided better things for us (Heb....
New Covenant Power
The new covenant prayer is different, for it is governed by the rules of the new covenant. The New Testament is a new contract. It is the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, sealed with Jesus' own blood. It is established on better promises. In the day that Jesus was...
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