Category Results for: Victory
How You Can Avoid Tragedy and Live A Better Life: Part 2
How You Can Avoid Tragedy and Live A Better Life: Part 2
Know It. Believe It. Act on It. Receive It.These things come by knowing, believing, and acting on these promises. Then you partake of God’s divine provision.Know it. Believe it. Act on it. Receive it. God has offered it to you; but if you don’t know that, you will...
How You Can Avoid Tragedy and Live a Better Life: Part 1
How You Can Avoid Tragedy and Live a Better Life: Part 1
The DestroyerIt was late afternoon. Birds were singing. Kids were playing. Suddenly, the serenity was broken by the sound of squealing tires and a loud crash. There was silence for a few minutes, and then the familiar sound of sirens filled the air. Tragedy...
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