Content Login No Longer Required to Access cfaith
In an effort to make access to cfaith’s content more open and easier than ever, cfaith plans to remove its log in procedure beginning June 1, 2014. This change means that all cfaith media content (1,000’s of audio and video messages) will be accessible to anyone who visits without having to register or log in to our content website.
MAY 2014
We have GOOD NEWS!
We are pleased to announce a significant change coming to our content website.
In an effort to make access to cfaith’s content more open and easier than ever, cfaith plans to REMOVE its content log in procedure beginning June 1, 2014.
This change means that all cfaith media content (thousands of audio and video messages) will be accessible to anyone who visits without having to register and log in to our content website!
As you know, all content within cfaith’s comprehensive online library has been free since 2009. Every day, thousands of people from all around the world visit cfaith to take advantage of our encouraging articles and relevant daily devotional messages.
However, anyone who wanted to watch a video or listen to one of our audio teachings had to first register as a cfaith content member and then log in to our website. And while this process has encouraged more than 20,000 individuals to become members of our content website, we believe the time has come to remove this log in requirement and make our website 100 percent accessible to everyone—whether they are a member of our ministry website or not.
Therefore, beginning June 1, 2014, anyone who visits will be able to take full advantage of our entire selection of faith-building articles, powerful devotionals, and multimedia messages. No more memberships. No more log in requirements. No more hassles.
It’s one more example of how cfaith is striving to bring you freedom in the Word! 🙂
Please note that this change only applies to our content website at There is still a log in requirement (for security and validation purposes) for anyone who wishes to access their cfaith email account or update their billing information via the “My Account” link located at the top of our home page.
Since 2000, the worldwide ministry outreach of cfaith has been dedicated to providing you with full access to the most exhaustive collection of faith-building resources on the Internet. Our content is designed to stretch your faith and strengthen your walk with God.
In an effort to reach as many people as possible with the life-changing message of faith in God’s Word, we are counting on you to spread the word about cfaith’s free content website, email services, and devotional subscriptions with as many people as possible!
Here are a number of examples of how you can bless cfaith and help expand our missionary influence:
- Share our website with friends, family members, and others you care about
- Support our ministry by signing up for cfaith email (Note: 95 percent of all email revenue helps sustain cfaith’s day-to-day ministry operations)
- Have your Pastor or Minister promote cfaith to his/her congregation or partner base
- Sign up to receive one (or all ten!) of cfaith’s daily devotionals
- Subscribe to our monthly Partner Letter email
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- Share the Word by emailing cfaith articles, devotionals, and media messages to others directly from cfaith’s website
- Support our ministry with a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly donation of $5, $10, or $25
- PRAY that cfaith would continue to reach the lost and encourage others in their faith
We need individuals to do all of these things to help ensure that cfaith can continue to provide FREE, 24/7 access to our ministry website. Please pray about what God would have you do.
For more than 13 years, I have watched as countless individuals visited and have been blessed by the ministry services and resources available on our website. However, none of that would have been possible without your help in building and sustaining this ministry through your contributions and faithful support over the years.
I want you to know how much your participation in the vision and ministry of cfaith is appreciated! And now that we plan to eliminate our existing content log in procedure, I’m confident that together, we will reach even more people and continue to make a spiritual difference in the lives of more individuals all around the world for years to come.
Thank God that there is freedom in the Word!
In His service,
Jeff Litfin
cfaith staff