Change Your Conversation

by Jerry Savelle | Uncategorized

Today’s Confession: I will not let any corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth today!

. . . that ye put off concerning the former conversation; the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind.
(Eph. 4:22)

Notice that when you get born again, God expects you to make some changes. We shouldn’t live like that old man did. We shouldn’t talk like that old man. Now, I am not saying that you will change everything overnight. It takes time. But you have to start some time.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth . . . .
(Eph. 4:29)

Now most people think that verse is talking about profanity or “cussing”. And it certainly includes those things. But as far as God is concerned, there is more to corrupt communication than just profanity.

God can’t fellowship with you if all you talk about is poverty, lack, sickness, disease, failure, and defeat. That is not what He enjoys talking about. Now if you ask Him what He thinks about all of that, He will say, “I have redeemed you, and I said, let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Talk about your redemption, let’s talk about that.”

I am amazed at the number of Christians who express themselves with words of fear, doubt, failure, defeat, and sickness and disease. And, most of the time, they talk that way without even realizing what they are saying.

Have you ever wondered why it took those guys in the Old Testament so long to die? I mean think about it. They lived to be hundreds of years old. Why? Because they didn’t know how to talk themselves to death. Adam didn’t know anything about death. All he knew was life. It wasn’t until sin came into his life that he began to learn words of fear. When God came walking through the garden after Adam sinned, He said, “Adam, where are you?” Adam said, “I have hidden myself for I was afraid.” Before Adam sinned, he knew nothing about fear. He didn’t hide from God prior to that. He walked and talked with God in the cool of the day. But when sin entered, his vocabulary changed. It took Satan hundreds of years to get Adam to talk himself to death. In today’s society, it only takes about 70 years.

Just think about these phrases that we hear all the time: “Well, I’m afraid not.” “That tickled me to death.” “That scared me to death.” “I’m dying to go.” “I’ve never succeeded at anything, and I’m afraid I never will.” “I’m afraid that I’ll never get out of debt.”

Do you see what I am talking about? Simple little phrases that people say all the time and don’t even think about it.

. . . for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
(Matt. 12:34)

That is why giving God’s Word first place in your life and fellowshipping with God is so important. Because what is in your heart is going to come out of your mouth. That is why your mind has to be renewed with the Word. Your eyes and ears are the gateway to your heart. What you see and what you hear will get into your heart.

Copyright ©  Jerry Savelle Ministries International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Dr. Jerry Savelle was an average, blue-collar man who was struggling and needed God's help. While he considered himself a "nobody," when he became a believer God told him not to worry about it because He was a master at making champions out of nobodies. God has since taken Dr. Savelle from being a constant quitter to a man who knows how to stand on the Word of God until victory is experienced. Because of the life-changing combination of God's faithfulness and Dr. Savelle's "no quit" attitude, his life is totally different than it was thirty-eight years ago.

Since 1969, Dr. Savelle traveled the world teaching people how to win in life. Dr. Savelle ministered in more than three thousand churches and in twenty-six nations, and has overseas offices in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

God used Dr. Savelle to impact people who are burned out on religion and who have backslidden in their walk with God, as well as Christians who have a need to hear the Word of God presented in terms applicable to their lives, dreams, and destinies. He hosted the Jerry Savelle Ministries television broadcast which airs in two hundred countries worldwide.

Dr. Savelle authored more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy, He Can't Keep Your Goods and You're Somebody Special to God. He served as one of the founding Pastors of Heritage of Faith Christian Center in Crowley, Texas.

Jerry J. Savelle, 77, went home to be with the Lord on April 15, 2024. He spent his last day on earth fulfilling his purpose teaching people the Word of God

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