Check Your Temperature!

by Scott Sibinski | Articles, Christian Living

Quick, check your temperature!

When you check your temperature to see how HOT you are for God, you will begin to see the blessings that come from being obedient. All you need to do is make a decision. When you make that decision it will always reap a blessing.

You DO want to be blessed, right?

Let’s us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another.
(Gal. 5:26 AMP)

What is the Bible saying here? You need to be self-LESS not self-ish. We need to put ourselves down. As much as it feels good to get this, that, or the other thing…or to have things…we just can’t horde everything up for ourselves so that we can be in your own little “bless-me-club.”

I’m telling you, it’s not going to last.

You need to give out the things that you have been given. God is the fountain of living water and he blesses you in the overflow. Doesn’t He?

God always wants to bless us above and beyond…above all that we can even ask or think (Eph. 3:20). Our little feeble minds can’t even figure out how much He wants to bless us.

He wants to bless us, but we always limit that blessing by putting God in a box. We figure out what God SHOULD do in our life, but then we always seem to somehow limit Him so He CAN’T work on our behalf. The result is that He is not able to bless us in the manner that He would like to because we won’t let Him!

He WANTS to bless every person, but we need to stay hot for God and keep ourselves in a position which will allow Him to work through us.

God is not a respecter of man, woman, or teenager (Acts 10:34). He doesn’t care who you are, but He DOES care about the person that you can be in Christ Jesus.

You just need a revelation of the position that you can have with God. When you get that revelation you’ll realize how important it is to get to remain in that position…and then you’ll never want to leave!

So get into position, check your temperature and Get Down With Your Bad Self! Make a decision to stay hot, stay committed, and stay obedient to God, and then watch His blessings begin to flow in your life.

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Scott, a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota grew up with a passion for playing drums. By the time he was 17, he had played with several Christian bands and once had the opportunity to tour with Whiteheart... however, it was turned down because God had better plans!

God's better plans included marriage to his wife, Heather, becoming a student at North Hennepin Community College, and subsequently moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma for two years of Bible school at Rhema Bible Training Center. Scott's two year training included an emphasis in youth ministry.

After graduation, Pastor Scott served on staff at Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Pastor Mac Hammond) under youth pastor Steve Munds.

Scott's vision is to teach and preach the uncompromised Word of God by precept and example; to disciple others into a position of leadership that they can take with them throughout their life.