Christmas is Healing

by Deborah Butler | The Anointed Word

“That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses” (Matt. 8:17).

Healing is the work of Christ, our anointed Savior. Have you ever been in pain? I mean real pain. Most of us have.

The Scripture says, “…Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses.” In other words, Jesus took the pain away and destroyed it. He makes the pain leave. So when pain comes, then God’s Word should automatically come out of your mouth. Why? The Word is our life and it is health to all our flesh.

But for many of us, when pain comes, the latest name brand pain reliever comes out.

Jesus Came To Heal

Well, Jesus is the one who lifted our sickness and carried them away. And unlike a natural pain reliever, the Word will do away with your pain and sickness forever.

Yes, the devil will try to throw those symptoms at you again and again. But you throw the Word at him again and again. You don’t have to take what he is trying to give to you. Sickness is satanic oppression, but healing is an act of restoration – and it belongs to you.

Satan has nothing to offer you but death and destruction. He didn’t die on the cross for you, Jesus did. And Jesus has everything to offer you – salvation, eternal life, peace, joy, and health. You see Jesus loves you so much that he gave his life so that you can walk in divine health.

1 Peter 2:24, says “…by whose stripes ye were healed.” The word “were” is past tense, which means your healing has already been provided for you. Jesus bore your sickness and disease on the cross and you don’t have to bare them. He gave you abundant life; sickness has nothing to do with abundant life or restoration.

The word “healed” means to cure a disease or wound; to restore to soundness. A healer is one who restores to soundness. So we can see healing is an act of restoration. There is nothing God can’t handle. He took care of everything when He gave His son.

I hope you will think about that this holiday season. Jesus came at Christmas time in order to restore us back to the image of God. God doesn’t have any sickness. So as for me, I will not accept any sickness. What about you? Instead, we should accept everything that Jesus did for us. Jesus wants us to be just like Him – to walk in divine health.

Thank God for the anointed Savior, born on Christmas morning.

Scripture References: 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:4-5; Proverbs 4:20-22

Keith Butler Ministries

All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Pastor Deborah L. Butler is the first lady Word of Faith International Christian Centre located in Southfield, Michigan where she serves in ministry with her husband, Bishop Keith A. Butler.

Pastor Deborah is a licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel. Her encouraging, yet down-to-earth teaching imparts wisdom from the Word of God into all that hear her speak. One of Pastor Butler’s many duties is serving as the Director of the Women of Virtue Ministry. Pastor Deborah is often called to travel to other ministries to teach and admonish women to walk in the wisdom of God, and to experience peace in every area of their lives.

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