Close to the Edge!

by Renee Burt | Articles, Christian Living

I’ve often said that I’m a cliff dweller…who lives close to the edge. Now that doesn’t mean I literally live on some mountain.  What it does mean is that I have a tendency to extend myself in my commitments…especially where it concerns my time. I get out there, dangerously close to the edge of what I’m able to reasonably do. Not because I have some desire to crash and burn out from exhaustion, but because there are so many tasks to be done, people to reach out to, experiences just waiting to be experienced…you get my drift, right? Basically, I get in over my head, and I drift towards the edge of the cliff.

So what keeps me from falling off? Is it my great ability to balance all of my time commitments perfectly? No…I can’t take any credit whatsoever.  It’s not what I do…it’s Who I’ve learned to reach out to for help, when I feel close to falling.  It’s God…who shows me how to live on the cliff without falling off.

Are you a fellow cliff dweller, living on top of a mountain of commitments? Do you feel like you’re in over your head and you’re afraid that you’ll fall? Well, let me give me some great news! His hand of help is extended towards you…how do I know?  I already needed His help this morning! And He was there for me, and He’ll be there for you. Not to take you off the cliff, but to show you how to safely live there…by showing you how to order your day and better manage your commitments. Frankly, I like living on a cliff…I like the view from up here…that is, as long as He’s holding my hand!

Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you. I’ve called your name. You’re mine. When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.
(Isa. 43:1-2 MSG)

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