Count Your Blessings

by Dan Stratton | Uncategorized

Today, the peace that passes all understanding is truly shed abroad in my heart.

The recent blizzard in the Northeast has blanketed my surroundings, my daughter’s cheeks continue to shine like roses, and my wife weeps with joy as she decorates the trees.

It’s been a joy to watch my daughter Danielle laugh with her friends as she makes “snow angels” and rides her plastic sled. My wife Ann remembers her mother and the 20 years that we have been together, and I thank God for the snow because of how it has forced me to watch and enjoy my family.

You are gifted, in Him. You are able, in Him. But more than that, you are blessed.

I encourage you to count your blessings. Remember the times that God has come through for you. Think of your friends and all that is well with you. Take stock in the goodness of God that is all around you.

Then pray and get the direction that God would have you turn your rudder toward. Write down the directions that He will most certainly give to you. He is a rewarder of anyone who will sincerely and diligently seeks Him.

As you make your plans for the New Year, do it from a position of strength. Confess before you begin that “all of your needs are met—already met, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” This victorious mindset will lead you to a victorious attitude that allows you to “think big.”

As you write these “torah” words from God (Torah means instruction), take them to heart. Study it out and pray again until you have a word that you believe is from God for you.

Don’t rush this procedure. Before you start on any journey, you should know where you want to go.

Joy to the World the Lord is come…. Let heaven and nature sing. I am singing today. For the Lord is good and His Mercy endures forever.

Let’s not ever forget it.

Copyright © Faith Exchange Fellowship
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Faith Exchange is a non-denominational Christian church located at 95 Leonard Street in downtown Manhattan, New York. It was founded by Dan and Ann Stratton in 1994 after being licensed by Kenneth Copeland Ministries. The church emphasizes achieving a balanced life with good health, spiritual fulfillment, family unity, and financial prosperity through following Jesus and serving others with love.

One of the notable aspects of Faith Exchange is "My Deeper Life," a national network of members who support each other through prayer and fellowship, following Dan's teachings.​

During the terrorist attack of 9/11 in 2001, the 90 West Street location of Faith Exchange was destroyed along with other buildings in the area. Despite this devastation, the church survived without loss of life. Today, Faith Exchange continues to hold services on Wednesdays and Sundays, often featuring inspirational speakers.

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