Dealing with Doubts Part 2

by Chas Stevenson | Videos

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Pastor Chas Stevenson, a stimulating Bible teacher and author of the life-changing book, God, Why?, is also Pastor of Houston Faith Church in Houston, Texas. His ministry to the Church is marked with a demonstration of God's Word and power that quiets the emotions, stirs the spirit, and brings people up to their high calling of God in Christ. With New Testament, scriptural logic that feels like bowling balls crashing through glass pins, Chas is a foundation-builder of God's Word in people, holding nothing back in igniting people's faith toward God, while keeping false doctrine and common Christian distractions exposed and avoided.

After leaving his business systems consulting career in 1997, Chas began serving the Lord with a powerful and refreshing evangelistic and healing gift, igniting churches and training believers to win souls and heal the sick.

For several years, he worked with Angelo Mitropolous in R.W. Schambach's last five years of tent meetings in the inner cities of America, coordinating street ministry and seeing multitudes saved, healed, and delivered from demons.

Since then, he has successfully imparted into local church members an attitude of personal soulwinning and world evangelism that keeps believers glued to the primary call of the Christian that will ultimately help them earn a "well done" in the end.