Divine Communication

by Dick Mills | The Spirit Filled Believer

“Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say” (Ex. 4:12 NKJ).

Do you have it easy with words? Or is it difficult for you to express yourself? In this verse we are given an assurance of divine assistance in articulation, enunciation, and oral expression.

One day I came across an interesting word: logorrhea. According to the dictionary, it is a term used in psychology and psychiatry to indicate excessive and incoherent talk. I have not met too many people who suffer from logorrhea. I have met, however, many people who are verbally bound and unable to express themselves.

I once saw the dramatic recovery of a man over 40 years of age who was unable to communicate. He was a hard-working man, a good provider, a faithful husband, and a kind and caring father. His only problem was his inability to express himself orally. Physically he was able to speak, but intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually he was verbally frozen.

It was in a public worship service that a divine revelation came to me that this man’s speech problem was a result of a childhood trauma. A heartless first-grade school teacher had shamed him in front of the class for not being able to write his name on the blackboard. The public ridicule was so damaging to his self-concept he withdrew into a protective shell of silence.

I prayed with the man and helped him to see his need to forgive those who had hurt him. He forgave, and was liberated on the spot. It was as though someone had cut the cord that was binding his tongue, and released him for a new-found freedom of speech! Praise God!

Source: The Spirit-Filled Believer’s Daily Devotional by Dick Mills

Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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