Do The ‘Turn-Around Thang’

by Scott Sibinski | Articles, Christian Living

Think about this, if you are someone that lifts weights, you can’t go around working out with those little wimpy two and one-half pound weights! You need to build yourself up strong by using bigger weights. Right?

Well it’s the same with God. You can’t just be doing the wimpy weights anymore. Get those big 45 pounders on, man…go all the way!

Hey, make a record for how many people you can get saved in a year. Don’t you want that? Don’t you want something that people are going to talk about?

If you start going after a goal like that I guarantee that your youth group would be a place where everyone wants to go because it would be the coolest place in town!

Get your life into a position where you are not just doing the milk of the Word but you are doing the meat of the Word…where you are looking to strengthen and bring yourself into a higher place with Him.

Take the sorrow that comes from feeling bad about something that you’ve done wrong (because you knew it was wrong in your spirit) and bring it over to God’s side. Repent for it and turn around. You will see change!

OK, it’s like this, you’re going the wrong way, you repent, you turn around and you go the other way. You do the turn around “thang” by completely starting over. 180 degrees. A new direction!

If you do that, you are going to be a true witness for Jesus. You are going to be the leader that you need to be.

Praise God we can go before Him and repent for our sins and He if faithful to forgive us every time!

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Scott, a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota grew up with a passion for playing drums. By the time he was 17, he had played with several Christian bands and once had the opportunity to tour with Whiteheart... however, it was turned down because God had better plans!

God's better plans included marriage to his wife, Heather, becoming a student at North Hennepin Community College, and subsequently moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma for two years of Bible school at Rhema Bible Training Center. Scott's two year training included an emphasis in youth ministry.

After graduation, Pastor Scott served on staff at Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Pastor Mac Hammond) under youth pastor Steve Munds.

Scott's vision is to teach and preach the uncompromised Word of God by precept and example; to disciple others into a position of leadership that they can take with them throughout their life.