Do You Want the Fire of God?

by Dwight Thompson | Uncategorized

Revival involves a process—a process that requires plowing up the hardened, uncultivated ground of our hearts, before there can be planting of the seed, and ultimately, a harvest.

The plowing is painful. But it cannot be circumvented. And it takes time. Yes, time is an unavoidable part of the price. Weekend, mini “revivals” may be easier to fit into our schedules, but they are unlikely to result in genuine revival.

Elijah had been in a process of preparation and purification for 3 1/2 years, before God sent the fire. And the people of Israel had suffered the consequences of their sin for the same period of time before they got desperate enough for God to send the fire.

We’re too busy to listen to God. God meets with those who wait for Him: “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him” (Isa. 4:4).

But we want Him to send the fire on our timetable. And He’d better be through by noon! Friend, God simply will not fit into our plans, our schedules, or our timetables. He is God! And He must be given the freedom to operate as He wills, on His schedule.

If God is going to send the fire, we’ve got to be willing, if necessary, to discard our man-made traditions, methods, structures, and programs to make room for Him. It’s not that those things are wrong, in and of themselves.

But for too many of us, they have become gods. Anything that has become more essential to us than His presence is part of the price He will require.

There certainly will be no fire until the sacrifice has been offered. For the Israelites, it meant placing their water supply on the altar. God did not need water. But when He had their water supply, then He had them. And that’s what He wanted all along.

I don’t know what sacrifice God may require of you or your church. He may ask you to surrender your reputation and what others think of you. He may ask you to bear criticism, misunderstanding, and rejection from those whose opinions matter most to you.

He may ask you to quit your job. He may ask you to put your life savings or retirement fund on the altar. Ultimately, it is ourselves that God wants to be laid on the altar.

Let me ask you a question. Do you want the fire? How badly do you want it? What price are you willing to pay to get it?

Are you willing to sacrifice that which is most precious to you? Are you discontent to go on living without it?

Power Principles for Power Living by Dwight Thompson
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Dwight Thompson has become one of the most powerful evangelists of our time. Known worldwide for his legendary ability to captivate and move an audience, he has devoted his ministry to touching the lives of all those who are lost and hurting with a message of hope, found through salvation and deliverance in Jesus Christ.

The elements that make his message unforgettable include humor, compassion, deeply rooted Biblical convictions, and unique ways of illustrating the meaning of Scriptural phrases, parables, and promises.

Dwight has traveled around the world as an evangelist, preaching to millions and leading thousands of lost souls to Jesus Christ. His crusades frequently launch long-lasting revivals. With his ability to communicate the Gospel with power and charisma, he touches countless lives.

Dwight and Zonelle have been married for 51 years and have two children, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Zonelle travels nation-wide with Dwight, and she is the founder of Operation STITCHES (Saving The Inner-city Through Christ’s Hope: Eternal Salvation), an outreach to inner-city children and their families.

God has given both Dwight and Zonelle a divine love for souls. He has created within the two of them an obsession for helping people transform their very existence.

Dwight and Zonelle know the worth of just one soul and are committed to continue being obedient to the calling God placed on them over 49 years ago.

Truly, Dwight Thompson is a man with a call on his life and a commitment in his heart to reach lost souls for Jesus Christ.

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