Embrace The Grace God Has Placed Within You

by Dennis Burke, Ph.D. | Uncategorized

It is not achievements or personality that God is looking for, but simply someone who will say yes to Him. He receives glory because we make ourselves available to Him.

When I came to realize that God had called me and others because of His plan, and not because of some mystical quality, I knew I could be used by Him. I could meet the qualification and have the heart to follow Him.

The calling of God and service to Him are not confined to what is done in a church service or evangelistic meeting. Each of the many gifts and graces is a vital aspect of ministry.

Whether the ministry is in administration, or giving, or helps, it is important to see that God will use all to His glory.

Many Christian parents have pushed a child to be a pastor or preacher without really knowing from the Holy Spirit that it is God’s will. They have assumed that these ministries must be the highest calling.

If the child is not truly called by God to that life, however, he will struggle to fulfill his parents’ expectations, but never discover God’s true desire for himself.

How can you succeed when you are following the wrong voice? That is just as destructive as the father who will hear of nothing for his child but medical school or law school.

When parents see their child’s future only through the eyes of their own ambitions, they set a course for trouble. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” It is important that it is the way he should go – not just the way the parents would have him go.

A spouse can be guilty of the same mistake. I have seen many men who struggled with failure after failure in an area of ministry to which they were not called. Their wives were sure that was the only way their husbands could be honorable Christians. But these women frustrated the grace of God and themselves.

On the other hand, a person can be discouraged from the work God has for him or her when well-meaning Christians are unable to picture that person in a full-time ministry.

As a young Christian, I knew I was called to the ministry where I function today. I began to prepare myself in the best way I knew, through prayer and the study of the Scripture.

One day I went to my pastor and told him my belief that I was called to be a minister of the Gospel. I will never forget his response: “Dennis, not everyone is called to be a minister.” He gave me no encouragement whatsoever.

I know I did not look like a candidate for the ministry in most people’s eyes, but I knew in my heart it was right.

Some months later, God led me to another church where the pastor saw beyond appearances and helped me grow into the calling of God.

Even then, a wonderful Christian businessman came to me with some advice. “Dennis, the world does not need another preacher,” he said. “What is needed are godly businessmen.” Then he wanted to help me step into his idea for my life.

If you will embrace the grace in which you are to walk, and if you will be a wise steward over it, you will flourish in the direction God takes you. It will be accompanied by a peaceful and satisfied soul.

Source: Grace Power Beyond Your Ability by Dennis Burke.
Excerpt permission granted by Dennis Burke Ministries

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Since 1979, Dennis Burke has led multitudes of believers into the biblical principles of faith, healing, love, prosperity, and righteousness. Through the Insights: the Way to a New Life magazine, books, eBooks, CDs, and mp3 resources, Dennis has brought revelation knowledge on the truths of God's Word. He has taught Christians everywhere to know God more deeply and overcome the challenges life brings through faith in God's Word.

Dennis and his wife, Vikki, travel the globe throughout the year preaching and teaching in seminars, conventions and churches, sharing the Word of God and the keys to victorious Christian living. Together they are co-founders of Dennis Burke Ministries in Arlington, Texas. They have one married daughter, Jessica Shook.

In 2003, Dennis earned his Doctorate in Theology from Life Christian University, Tampa, Florida.

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