Faith Stands, Commands, and It Is So

by Jerry Baysinger | Uncategorized

In every believer’s life, there comes a time when circumstances tell you, this time you’re not going through. The devil will tell you, “Oh, you may have made it last time, but this time it’s different. There’s no way this time. You’re done for. Give up and go sit down. You’re in way over your head this time.”

And even your friends give you no hope. But that isn’t what Jesus taught. Let’s read the story starting in Luke 8:41:

And, behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue: and he fell down at Jesus’ feet, and besought him, that he would come into his house: For he had one only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay a dying.

But as he went, the people thronged him. And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, came behind Him, and touched the border of His garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.
(Luke 8:41-44)

Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue, a Jew, and they of the synagogue were certainly against what Jesus was teaching, and that’s why the Jews were out to kill Jesus. The Jews didn’t want all the world following after Jesus.

By bowing down to Jesus like that in public, Jairus was putting his neck on the line, and most certainly his job. But at this point, Jairus wasn’t worried about his neck, but rather the life of his only daughter, and whether or not he wanted to admit it, he knew at this point Jesus was her only hope.

And Jairus humbled himself before Jesus So Jesus went with him. After all, He was sent for the lost sheep of Israel, namely the Jews. And as Jesus and the disciples went, the multitude thronged them.

So now a woman with an issue of blood for twelve years enters the picture. She had spent all she had on doctors, and was nothing better. This was something the doctors couldn’t help. All they could do was try to help relieve her of her money, which they did, and for all this, she was no better, but worse.

But she had heard of the miracles that Jesus was doing, and she had said (in Mark’s version) “If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole.” Now let’s keep in mind the Jewish laws of the day. She had an issue of blood. That made her unclean.

An unclean person was required to yell, “Unclean, Unclean!” when in public, so people could avoid being touched by an unclean thing. The penalty for failure to do so was death by stoning. And she was sick and weak. She wasn’t yelling “Unclean, unclean!” either.

At this point, the threat of being stoned didn’t stop her. She didn’t have much to lose at this point. She was a desperate woman. And she pushed her way through the crowd with all her strength. She knew she only had one shot at this, because as soon as someone recognized her, she would be caught and stoned. Her eyes were upon Jesus. Pushing, shoving as she went, suddenly, she touched Jesus’ garment.

On the statement she had made “If I may but touch His clothes, I shall be whole” was riding her very life. The power of God went through her, like a bolt of lightning, purging her of her sickness and making her whole in an instant of time, doing what twelve years of doctors and all her money could not do.

Suddenly, she was whole. She was fearing and trembling, knowing what had been done in her. Jesus, knowing that healing power had gone out of Him, turned and looked about Him and said, “WHO TOUCHED ME?”

This wasn’t just someone pushing through the crowd that had touched Him, possibly out of curiosity to see what would happen. This was a different kind of touch! This was a touch that took hold of heaven and grabbed the power of God and held on tight! This was a faith touch! This was a touch that required something right now!

And for that faith, all the powers of hell could not deny her! The power of the people could not deny her, there was absolutely no power in the universe at that point could have kept her from being healed. She didn’t ask Jesus for healing, she took it! And when Jesus saw her, He knew her faith had made her whole. Notice Jesus did not say, “Daughter, my faith hath made thee whole. Go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.”

No! Jesus said, “Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole.” There is a faith that cannot, that will not, be denied. There is a faith that says “I have it now!” There is a faith that so trusts and believes God that no force of hell can stop it. And you can have that faith right now! Only believe, like she did!

Let’s go on with the rest of the story. While Jesus yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house which said, “Thy daughter is dead. Why troublest thou the Master any further?”

And just as soon as Jesus heard that word spoken, He said unto Jairus, “Be not afraid, only believe. Just a little while earlier, Jairus had bowed before Jesus and made the confession in front of a crowd, “Come and lay hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live!”

Jesus knew that Jairus was about to open his mouth and undo that faith confession by saying, “My daughter is dead.” But Jesus stopped him, and told him to do exactly the opposite of what the situation would normally require.

There is a time when you have to stand when it looks like you’re all alone. It’s just you and God. Not you and God and the whole world. No, the world will not stand with you when the elephants are stampeding at you. They tuck and run.

You have to stand when it looks like you’re sure to fall. And when you have done all, stand. That’s all you can do now. And that was what Jesus told Jairus to do…stand. Don’t let fear cause you to undo your confession of faith in God.

Jesus didn’t stop. They went in to where Jairus’ daughter was lying. And Jesus took the damsel by the hand and said, “Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.” And straightaway, the damsel arose and walked. And they were astonished with a great astonishment!

Jesus wasn’t.. He knew. He didn’t hope, He didn’t beg. He commanded and it was so! There is a faith that stands, commands, and it is so! Take hold of heaven today….stand there and look the devil in the eye and don’t back down. You don’t have to.

God is behind you. Faith doesn’t back down. Faith stands, commands, and it is so! It worked for the woman with the issue of blood. It worked for Jesus. It will work for you.

Copyright © Life Healing Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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