Feathers From Heaven

by Laura Wegener | Articles, Christian Living

Feathers From Heaven
I once read a book where the heroine found white feathers in various places where she encountered moments with God. While God may not use feathers to talk to His people today, He’s still active in our lives. God is ready to heal, deliver, set free. He is ready to bring you peace, joy, comfort. He wants to show you that He is there and He cares in little and big ways. The question is…are you noticing?

March 2015

A few years ago, I remember a specific time God blessed me. I woke up in the morning and thought, Goodness, I deserve a lunch out. I think I’ll go to Panera and eat some of my favorite soup.

So I did. I got to the register, ordered my soup, pulled out my Panera rewards card and my credit card to pay. The cashier swiped my rewards card and said, “Oh, you have a free soup on here.”

I said, “Really? That’s great!” Then I stuck my credit card back in my wallet, and went to enjoy my free lunch.

Some will read that and think, That was just a coincidence. Sure, it certainly could have been, but for me, it was a feather from heaven—a blessing directly from the Lord to say He loves me and is watching over me.

A feather from heaven?! Yep. I got that analogy from a book I read in which the heroine found white feathers in various places where she encountered moments with God. The feathers showed up on her desk, the floor, etc. The author used those feathers as a symbol for the heroine to know that heaven was with her.

As a writer, I thought the feathers tied the story together nicely—but even more than that, it gave me a different perspective on God’s intervention in our lives.

Although God doesn’t specifically use feathers to talk to His people today, I do think they provide a great representation of the fact that God gives us signs of His presence all the time in unique ways. We each have “feathers” sent from heaven. The question is, are we sensitive enough to see them?

Matthew chapter 8 shares the story of a group of people who didn’t recognize God’s blessing from heaven. Take a look:

When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.” He said to them, “Go!” So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water. Those tending the pigs ran off, went into the town and reported all this, including what had happened to the demon-possessed men. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region.”
(vs. 28–34)

What fascinates me is that the people who went to meet Jesus didn’t bring Him the sick and ask for healing since Jesus had just demonstrated His healing power. They actually asked Him to leave! They didn’t appreciate the way Jesus acted, so they despised and ignored the gift in their midst. A mini-revival could have taken place because of the healings Jesus had just done, but because of their attitude, it couldn’t happen.

The Pharisees are another example of this. Remember the story of the man who was taken with palsy and his friends lowered him through the roof into one of Jesus’ meetings? Luke 5:17 tells us that room the man was dropped into was filled with Pharisees and doctors of the law, and “the power of the Lord was present to heal them”—but the only healing recorded was this man who was lowered down from the roof!

Those Pharisees didn’t see God in the middle of them. As a result, they couldn’t experience the freedom and healing Jesus could have brought into their lives.

As I recently reflected on this, I prayed, “Lord, could you help me see your intervention in my life today?”

Then I kept my eyes open, expecting a free meal or something similar. Instead, on my way to my moms’ group this morning, I suddenly stopped thinking through the craziness of my day and actually looked ahead of me. I had just turned eastward while driving and ahead the sky was filled with beautiful white puffy clouds that reminded me of cotton candy. They looked real enough to reach up and eat.

At that moment, I realized God was everywhere. His fingerprint was planted in the very creation that surrounds me. If I ever want to see Him manifest in my life, I need to stop, tilt my head back, and take a look at the sky. God made me. God made this earth. God created this vast universe and yet He is still talking to, interested in, and has a plan for little, ol’ me.

Today, my feathers from heaven were the clouds in the sky.

God is showing up in our lives time and again. He’s ready to heal, deliver, set free. He is ready to bring you peace, joy, comfort. He wants to show you that He is there and He cares in little and big ways for you just as He does for me.

I love that God brings us people who encourage us, income to help our finances, doctors who help us, and smiles from friends. The list could go on! He’s constantly moving on our behalf. The question is are we noticing His touch in our lives or are we just chalking it up to coincidence?

God wants to remind you that He loves you and cares for you. I challenge you to ask Him to help you see His presence and care in your life today.

One of the ways I am reminded of God’s love is by hearing and studying His Word. Reading devotionals or online articles, listening to audio teachings, or watching on-demand video sermons are all excellent ways to strengthen your relationship with God!

Did you know that cfaith makes these powerful resources available 24/7 at no charge? Can you say feathers from heaven? (:

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Looking for feathers with you,

Laura Wegener
cfaith contributing writer

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When my tenth grade creative writing teacher commented on how well I wrote, she had no idea her words launched my writing career. Her words worked on me for a while until my senior year when I felt the Lord lead me to go to Bethel University and major in writing.

Since that decision, I've been amazed where God has taken me. I've become a published author--something touted during college as close to impossible. I've also been able to write, edit, and proofread for a variety of projects and clients.

My completed projects include writing/editing/proofreading for 12 different books, back cover copy for over 75 books, CD sets, and DVDs, copy for five different websites, ghostwriting for several different people.

My clients have included Barbour Books, Moody Publishers, Augsburg Fortress, Living Word Christian Center, and Kharisma Finishing School.

Beyond writing, I love spending time with my family, cooking, baking, reading, and helping out at church. I love learning from everyday experiences and relating them to my walk with God. Erik Wegener came into my life in 2007 and within a year and a half, we married and started a wonderful life together. Our family includes our firstborn, Brody, who is partying in heaven with Jesus, and our second and third sons, Brayden and Jase, who are partying on earth with us.