Forgiveness of Sins

by Tim Davidson | A Verse A Day, Devotions

In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.

(Col. 1:14 KJV)

In Jesus we have redemption. Redemption includes the thought of our salvation and deliverance. Because Jesus took our sins upon Himself, and suffered the awful penalty for them, we can go free. We do not have to “pay for them” ourselves. Jesus has redeemed us. Because He shed His blood we have forgiveness for all our sins and a vital relationship with God our Father.

The Message Bible says: The Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating.

Jesus is the one who forgives our sins and sets us free. We need to accept that great work of forgiveness for ourselves then grant it to others when they have sinned against us. We also need to apply it to ourselves when we recognize just how human we really are at times.

Today’s Thought to Take With You:

In Christ Jesus I have redemption. I am delivered from the power of sin because I am forgiven.

  • Reading Plan A: Mark 6:33-56

  • Reading Plan B: Acts 19

  • Reading Plan C: Num. 16,17; Mark 6:33-56

Source: A Verse A Day by Tim Davidson

Excerpt permission granted by

Word of Faith Church & Outreach Center

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Called to the Body of Christ as a pastor and teacher, Tim Davidson pioneered Word of Faith Church in Bismarck in 1980. He served as its Lead Pastor for 35 years and now serves as Founding Pastor. Pastor Tim has pioneered 6 churches in North Dakota and now serves as Regional Director for Rhema Ministerial Association International. Teaching believers foundational truths from God's Word is his passion.

He has authored 3 yearly devotion books that are used both here and overseas to help believers become "rooted and grounded" in their faith.

God is now calling Pastor Tim to share the treasury of wisdom and knowledge God has given to him with other pastors and churches.

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