Four Keys to Self-Worth

by Joe McGee | Articles, Christian Living

We can’t let our worth be determined by our circumstances. Those can change, but God’s Word stays the same.
How you see yourself matters. Your self-image affects every area of your life—your goals, who you marry, your mental and physical health, your relationships, and your job. It can even funnel down and affect the way your children see themselves.
Unfortunately, many people live their entire lives basing their self-worth on their “works.”

Did we get an A, or did we get an F? Did we hit a home run, or did we strike out? Did we score a touchdown, or did we fumble? Did we get invited to the party, or did we not get an invitation? Did we get a date for the prom, or did we get turned down? Did we get the scholarship? Did we get the job? Did we get the promotion? It’s an endless hamster-wheel cycle.
From childhood, it’s important that we learn how God sees us. Don’t allow the devil, other people, or your works to determine your worth. God demonstrated how valuable you are when He gave the most priceless gift He had to redeem you—His Son, Jesus Christ. You are valuable! God loves you! You can do all things through Christ! You are gifted, talented, and called for a purpose! Those aren’t just cute, inspirational sayings; that is what God says about you! Love and value yourself the way God does.
 1.) Your self-worth starts with your thought life. “As he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7 KJV).

2.) Develop a “God-image” of yourself. Genesis 1:27 says you are created in His image.

3.) Base your self-worth on what God says about you and not the devil’s lies. God demonstrated how valuable you are when He redeemed you with the precious blood of His Son, Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19). Psalm 8:5 says He has crowned you with glory and honor.

4.) Your self-image affects the way you treat others. In Matthew 22:39 the Bible talks about loving your neighbor as you love yourself. If you don’t love yourself, your neighbor is in trouble! The more you value and love yourself the way God does, the more you will be able to value and love others. You may have times when you fall short, but every day is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and try again!

You have to know what God’s Word says about you and start speaking it as well as meditating on it. That is how you get the truth in your heart.

Look up what the Word says about being “in Him,” “in whom,” and “through Christ.”  You are a new creature in Christ and have a new inheritance.

Copyright © Joe McGee Ministries 
All rights reserved.