Have you ever wondered how someone could be so selfish? To answer that question and to help you avoid that same pitfall, here is a list of four reasons why people become selfish.
- They make the choice to be selfish. We must make a decision to be selfish, even if we don’t fee like it. I have found that as you act on your decision, the feelings come more.
- They take for granted the joy of giving. Not only will an unselfish act bring joy to others, but the giver will receive joy as well.
- They have unrenewed thinking. We’re all born naturally selfish, but that doesn’t mean we must stay that way. We need to put selfless thoughts in and selfish thoughts out.
- They’re unthankful. Unthankfulness will cause people to become selfish. People who are unthankful stop recognizing the goodness of others; therefore, they develop an unwillingness to give.
by Blaine Bartel.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
Blaine is a modern-day Lazarus.
Jesus resurrected him out of 23 years of sexual addiction and the death of everything he held dear. Today he coaches men out of sexual brokenness and into the Jesus life.
Blaine and his wife Lori reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They love going on long walks from the kitchen to the living room and have a weakness for reality shows. Along with his speaking and coaching, Blaine is a writer and has recently shared his resurrection story in his latest book, "Death by a Thousand Lies."
For the inquiring mind, a complete history is below.