Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.
(John 17:17)
Today’s Confession: Joy is a force of life. It provides a power to do something about what is going on in the world today.
In times of economic crisis, inflation, depression, famine, hardship, all the world can give you is bad news. Did you watch the news last night? It was full of bad news. If you are not careful, you end up sad and depressed. However, the world’s message and God’s message are not the same. The world talks about problems. They talk about what has happened. God talks about solutions.
One time I was in a city where I was holding a series of meetings. One night after church I went back to my hotel and was getting undressed. I had flipped on the television, but wasn’t watching it, although I could hear it. The weather report came on, and the weatherman began talking about weather conditions in different parts of the state.
“It’s a beautiful day in our city,” he said, “but over in the Dallas-Fort Worth area there are severe thunderstorm warnings. It looks pretty bad for those folks over there,” he noted, “but, of course, that is Copeland-Savelle country and they won’t put up with that sort of thing!”
I thought to myself, “Surely, I didn’t hear what I thought I just heard.” But just as I had convinced myself that I had imagined it, an associate of mine called. He had heard the same thing.
So every night after that I could hardly wait to watch the weather report. The weatherman would say things like this: “The national weather bureau is predicting severe weather for up north, but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven!”
What was he doing? He was reporting the facts but then reporting the Word of God – the solution. Needless to say, I liked that weather- man!
Now I don’t blame the news media for reporting the news in a factual manner. That’s their job. It’s not their fault that much of what they have to report is negative. That’s just the way things are – in the world. But frankly, I’m really not interested in the world’s views, I want to hear God’s views!
I have found that you don’t have to depend solely on the media to be fully informed. In fact, if you let the news media be your only source of information, you will soon develop a very unbalanced perspective of what is going on in the world.
It’s fine to be informed about local, state, national and international developments. As Christians, I think we should keep abreast of world events. Every good farmer knows his field. If he expects to produce a good crop, he must know the condition of his soil. And God has instructed us to bring in the harvest. Our field is the world.
But while we should know the condition of our field, the world, we should remember that we do not take our solutions from the world, we take our solutions to the world: …and preach the gospel (the Good News) to every creature (Mark 16:15b).
I listen to the news. I know what is going on in the world. I just don’t let what is happening in the world get me down. I don’t let what the world says destroy what my God says. I don’t let the world rob me of my joy. Neither should you.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Dr. Jerry Savelle was an average, blue-collar man who was struggling and needed God's help. While he considered himself a "nobody," when he became a believer God told him not to worry about it because He was a master at making champions out of nobodies. God has since taken Dr. Savelle from being a constant quitter to a man who knows how to stand on the Word of God until victory is experienced. Because of the life-changing combination of God's faithfulness and Dr. Savelle's "no quit" attitude, his life is totally different than it was thirty-eight years ago.
Since 1969, Dr. Savelle traveled the world teaching people how to win in life. Dr. Savelle ministered in more than three thousand churches and in twenty-six nations, and has overseas offices in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
God used Dr. Savelle to impact people who are burned out on religion and who have backslidden in their walk with God, as well as Christians who have a need to hear the Word of God presented in terms applicable to their lives, dreams, and destinies. He hosted the Jerry Savelle Ministries television broadcast which airs in two hundred countries worldwide.
Dr. Savelle authored more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy, He Can't Keep Your Goods and You're Somebody Special to God. He served as one of the founding Pastors of Heritage of Faith Christian Center in Crowley, Texas.
Jerry J. Savelle, 77, went home to be with the Lord on April 15, 2024. He spent his last day on earth fulfilling his purpose teaching people the Word of God