Get Loaded!

by Beth Jones | Uncategorized

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!
(Ps. 68:19, NKJV)

I love this verse! As a new Christian, as I walked in the light of His Word, the Lord helped me to get a hold of this simple revelation: God is good and He desires to load His children with benefits! You have to understand, I was raised by a single mom and we learned how to get by with the bare essentials. We grew up shopping on the clearance rack and buying everything on sale. I thought you were rich if you bought Del Monte Fruit Cocktail rather than Generic Brand. The idea of being blessed with abundance and a load of benefits was amazing news!

Once I saw this simple truth, I began to say this verse out loud every day and I trusted God to load me with His benefits! At night before bed, I would check my daily load and thank God for every benefit He had given me. I took inventory, from the smallest things—a parking space, a discount at TJ Maxx, a nap, happy kids…to the largest things—a new baby, a good deal on a house, our 10-year anniversary, someone inviting Jesus into their lives or a cruise to the Caribbean. God is good and He does give good gifts…He’s in the benefits business!

How about you? Do you need a load of benefits? As you walk in His Word, begin to thank God for His goodness in your life and start thanking Him in advance for loading you with His benefits.

Say This:

Father, I do believe that You are good and generous. I believe that You want to perform Your Word in my life. I thank You for loading me with benefits daily—including today! I will begin to look to You expectantly and I will be sure to thank You for each benefit—big and small. Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Beth Jones Ministries
All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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In September of 1991, Jeff and Beth Jones founded Valley Family Church. For over 30 years, they have led and pastored VFC with vision and passion to reach people for Christ. In January of 2023, they passed the baton of leadership to their son and daughter-in-law, Eric and Alexa Jones. They now serve as Founding Pastors and provide oversight, counsel and teaching. Pastor Beth also leads The Basics With Beth, an outreach of VFC. Click below to read a letter from our Founding Pastors.

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