Get Up, Get Out, Get Going

by Marty Copeland | Uncategorized

Making sure your child is getting enough physical activity is a vital part of living healthy. It’s sad to note that today’s youth are described as the most inactive in history! Watching TV, surfing the Internet, and playing video games provide no exercise!

According to the surgeon general, TV time should be no more than two hours a day. Gradually begin to replace TV time with fun activities and train your children to enjoy being active. They need at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week.

Even greater amounts of physical activity may be necessary for weight loss, sustaining weight loss or preventing weight gain. Getting in 60 minutes of daily exercise isn’t all that difficult if you plan fun, family activities such as swimming, biking, skating, sports and hiking.

Gradually increase the duration and variety of exercise they’re getting and before long they’ll prefer shooting hoops to being on the computer. Get your kids off the sofa, out of the house and moving!

Set an Example
Also, parents, be a good role model. The Apostle Paul told those he was responsible for training to follow his example (Phil. 3:17). Jesus told His disciples to “conform wholly to My example in living” (John 12:26, AMP).

Your children will do what you do. If they see you eating a salad, they’ll want a salad too. If you grab a water bottle from the fridge, they’ll grab one too. I realize setting an example may be a tall order if you’re also struggling with your weight. But remember you’re striving to make gradual changes that will result in lifestyle changes.

As a family, you can begin using your faith and praying over your goals to improve your health. God will honor that and help you. His Word says: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2).

The Lord desires for us to be blessed and healthy in every area of our lives. I know you desire the same thing for your children. I would encourage you to begin taking steps to give your family a gift they can benefit from for the rest of their lives—a healthy lifestyle and a higher level of fitness.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Marty Copeland is a wife, mother of 3, a Master Personal Trainer and Nutritional Guidance Counselor. Most importantly, she is here, doing this, because she has experienced first hand that God not only desires to help us reach our health and fitness goals, but He has the perfect plan that will lead us to a lifestyle of freedom and self-control. She has come to know that true health is more than just having a strong and healthy body-though that is something we should all enjoy. True health also includes a strong spirit and soul. It is when our spirits are full and our minds are strong that living a healthy lifestyle becomes easy.

God's desire for all of us is life, peace and joy in every area . No matter who you are, where you are in life, or what fitness level you are at, there is always room for improvement-you can always go higher. We simply can not exhaust God's ability to make us better. Marty believes with all of her heart that God has called her team and herself to equip you and your family with what you need to go higher, spirit soul and body.

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