Revelation knowledge is the type of knowledge you get from the inside out. The Word of God teaches us about revelation knowledge, that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is founded on the rock of revelation knowledge.
We know faith is extremely important. We know that you can’t do anything in the Word of God without faith, and yet Jesus said it’s founded upon a rock of revelation knowledge.
As a believer you will not be successful and victorious in life if you do not understand the subject of revelation knowledge and you don’t have it. So the Word of God teaches us that the church is built on the rock of revelation knowledge.
The Word of God also teaches us that you need revelation knowledge to partake of God’s good things. The Bible says in Matthew 12, “…a good man out of the good treasure.” What’s that? Revelation of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things.
The Bible also says in John 15:7, “…if ye abide in me and my words abide in you…” That’s revelation knowledge. Then “…you can ask for what you will and it shall be done unto you.” So we know that revelation is a very important subject and theme that you need if you’re going to be successful in life and receive God’s blessings.
God has provided different ways for us to get revelation. We can get revelation through the study of the Word of God. You can go home and study the Word of God and get revelation. You can get revelation knowledge through hearing an anointed man preach the anointed Word. You can get revelation knowledge just by spending time in prayer.
There have been times when I was just praying before God and God started opening the Scriptures; I started seeing things I never saw before. But the things about these ways to get revelation, is that they only happen according to whether or not you do something.
Revelation knowledge is a personal thing. If you can get revelation then you can get blessings, but if you won’t get the revelation, if you try to live off of somebody else’s revelation, you won’t get blessings.
To get revelation knowledge you have to do two words—take heed! Take heed to the Holy Spirit. Meditation is taking heed to the Holy Spirit. I want to give you another way to get revelation, an easier way.
It’s a way that’s in the Word of God that is clear, and can have a massive impact on your life; it has on mine. I believe as you get this, you’re going to begin to act on it and that God will be able to open your eyes to many things in the Word of God and therefore allow and cause you to walk in all the good things he wants you to have.
I pray that the Lord of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints.
(Eph. 1:17-18)
What’s Paul praying here? He’s praying for this church that God would give to them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. Then he goes on to say—”…the eyes of your understanding being enlightened so that you can know.” Notice that word “know.” The purpose of this prayer is so that they can know.
Paul is praying so that this church can receive revelation knowledge; he’s praying so that the eyes of their understanding can be enlightened and therefore they can have knowledge so that the fog can lift, in a sense, in their heart.
That these issues and things that he’s about to talk about no longer be a mystery to your spirit. This is a prayer for revelation knowledge.
Now there are three things that Paul is praying for this church to receive revelation of. The first one is this: that they would have revelation of the hope of his calling or God’s calling. The definition of the word “calling” here is invitation.
The word “hope” here means to have a confident expectation. So Paul is praying that they can have revelation of the confident expectation of God’s calling. Have you ever been invited to a birthday party or a wedding, something along those lines, expecting something? There are certain things you expect to happen because you received that invitation.
If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, if you said, “Yes Lord, I receive you, you are my Lord, my Savior,” then you’ve received God’s invitation to enter his Holy Spirit party, and because you’re in his Holy Spirit party there are certain things you should expect to be a part of your life.
Those things are health, wealth, victory, and protection. Those things are all the things God had provided for you through is Son, Jesus.
Some of us do have revelation of certain areas and we’re receiving blessings, joy and peace; whatever it is in our life, in those areas. But then we’re not receiving some of the other blessings because we don’t have revelation of those in the other areas.
I’m praying that you get revelation of the benefits that you should receive of your rights in Christ. So get revelation of the fact that healing, wealth and victory belongs to you.
Now the benefits of getting revelation of that are pretty simple. If you have revelation of how God really looks at you, you can look at that person in the mirror a little differently. If you really understand that God looks at you as righteous, clean and somebody who is strong in faith.
If you can get revelation of how great God’s power is then you will have faith in the power. When you have faith in the power, the power can show up. When you’re looking at your own situation, you’ll no longer look at it thinking, “How am I going to get through this with my own power?”
You no longer rely on your power. You rely on his power, because you know there’s exceeding great power that’s available that he has for you. If that power could raise Jesus from the dead and defeat every demon on the planet; then it could sure defeat the one demon that’s messing with you.
Now a lot of us know this with our head, but Paul prayed, “I want you to get this with your heart because your heart is the ground that causes things to happen.”
We’re no different from Paul. If he could pray this prayer that is the will of God, and God gives people revelation because he prayed it, we can do same thing. God will answer our prayer when we pray that prayer, by imparting revelation into the heart of whoever it is we’re pray it for. This isn’t like any other way to get revelation.
There is tremendous power in prayer. One of the ways that power shows up is when God reveals things to you because another man asked for it to happen. God wants you to have revelation of his Word—you need it.
You can get revelation yourself by studying the Word of God, but then God gave you a man of God to preach the Word to you. When an anointed man of God is preaching the Word, it is easy as pie to get revelation. Now God is showing you another way that you can get revelation and other people can get revelation by you praying before God and asking him to give revelation.
Now the Word of God teaches us that God is the one that gives the gift of revelation. He gives it when he wants to give it. You can’t force God to give revelation. There’s no formula, in a sense, to get revelation. He gives it—it is a gift. For God to give that gift, he has a certain criteria.
God has criteria for getting people revelation. We know that criteria just to be, number one – take heed. But now his criteria have increased: now there are two things that we can do that will cause him to give revelation—the other one is to pray.
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With an undeniable passion for equipping others to experience the future God has for them, André Butler is on a mission to share God’s desire to prosper His people in every area of their lives, and His command for them to do their part in winning the world to Jesus. The Pastor of Faith Xperience Church (FX Church) in the heart of Downtown Detroit, he is a sought-after conference speaker and host known for his practical and relatable approach to preaching God’s word.
An accomplished writer, Andre has penned numerous books. He is also a Screenwriter and Movie Producer and serves as the President of Faith Xperience Films and the Faith Xperience Network.
Andre has been featured in Jet Magazine and Gospel Today, His television broadcast has aired on BET and has won two Telly awards, and the “Streaming Broadcaster of the Year” award from Streaming Faith.
A graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, Pastor André also holds a bachelor’s degree in Management from Kennesaw State University. He resides in Metro Detroit.