God Is a Rewarder

by Mark Brazee | 365 Days of Healing

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb. 11:6).

Do you want to receive God’s covenant promise of healing? Then you have to believe that God is, and you have to believe He is a rewarder. If you don’t believe you will receive a reward from Him, you won’t.

Most of the time people don’t go to God in faith. They may believe that God is, but they aren’t sure He is a rewarder. So they say, “Oh, dear God, if it is Your will, please do this for me.”

But you can go to God in faith, knowing exactly what His will is because you have His will to read. For example, you never have to say, “I wonder if it’s God’s will to heal me.” You can just read the Bible and find out. It’s His last will and testament to you.

When someone makes out a will, no one else has the right to take away from it or add to it. In the same way, we don’t have a right to change God’s will to us. All we can do is read what belongs to us and live by it.

So study God’s last will and testament until you get these two truths lodged deep in your heart: God is, and God is a rewarder. Then diligently seek Him for your healing, and receive your reward!


I believe my God is. He is alive, He is powerful and

He is a rewarder. I live in line with His Word, and

I receive all the benefits He has provided for me!

Source: 365 Days of Healing by Mark Brazee

Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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For over 40 years, Pastors Mark and Janet Brazee have traveled throughout the world sharing the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Together they've shared the powerful truths of faith and healing in more than 50 nations.

Today Mark and Janet pastor World Outreach Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they base their ongoing outreach to the world. The Brazees still travel as the Lord leads, and they are raising up a congregation who share their passion to reach Tulsa and the world.

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