Healing for Wounded Families

by Jerry Savelle | Healing

I don’t know what you are going through in your marriage and family relationships, but the Holy Spirit does. The first step to recovery or deliverance in any area is to be willing to admit that you’ve made a mistake.

It is very easy to place the blame elsewhere, but we must take responsibility for our actions and admit our mistakes. Others can be at fault as well, but before the healing can come, we must be willing to admit we are part of the problem.

Sometimes it’s easier to back away than to make relationships work. There may be misunderstandings and situations that arise beyond our control. However, if we desire to make the relationship last, it will take patience, understanding, and tolerance. But it will be worth all the effort.

Hurt feelings cause people to withdraw, usually from those who love them the most. Offenses occur through harsh words, bitter statements, unfair criticism, or because of short-tempers or insensitivity. If our manner offends, we must be willing to change and others should be willing to give us time to change.

Many times people are unwilling to forgive and restore relationships because of selfishness. Sometimes our flesh enjoys carrying something as far as it will go. But healing can come if there is a willingness to obey the Word of God.

Conflicts can only be resolved by understanding the true meaning of love. We have the ability to love like Jesus loved and forgive like Jesus forgave. Quarrels, misunderstandings, and disputes can’t mend themselves. Time doesn’t heal all. It takes the Word of God. Forgiveness must happen before these hurts can be forgotten.

1. Determine the SOURCE of the problem (Heb. 12:14-15). Some conflicts erupt due to: harsh words, insensitivity, neglect, too much talking and not enough listening, and/or indifference.

2. Determine to RESTORE (Matt. 5:9). Be willing to initiate the restoration, no matter who is at fault. YOU take the responsibility.

3. Determine to FORGIVE (Eph. 4:31-32).

4. Determine to be PATIENT (Heb. 10:35-36).

It can take time for trust to rebuild, so don’t give up. Restoration will come! Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 for today’s scripture, and where you see the word “love,” insert your name because that kind of love is in you. (I suggest the Amplified version.)

Today’s Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Source: Faith Building Daily Devotionals by Jerry Savelle
Excerpt permission granted by Jerry Savelle Ministries International

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Dr. Jerry Savelle was an average, blue-collar man who was struggling and needed God's help. While he considered himself a "nobody," when he became a believer God told him not to worry about it because He was a master at making champions out of nobodies. God has since taken Dr. Savelle from being a constant quitter to a man who knows how to stand on the Word of God until victory is experienced. Because of the life-changing combination of God's faithfulness and Dr. Savelle's "no quit" attitude, his life is totally different than it was thirty-eight years ago.

Since 1969, Dr. Savelle traveled the world teaching people how to win in life. Dr. Savelle ministered in more than three thousand churches and in twenty-six nations, and has overseas offices in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

God used Dr. Savelle to impact people who are burned out on religion and who have backslidden in their walk with God, as well as Christians who have a need to hear the Word of God presented in terms applicable to their lives, dreams, and destinies. He hosted the Jerry Savelle Ministries television broadcast which airs in two hundred countries worldwide.

Dr. Savelle authored more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy, He Can't Keep Your Goods and You're Somebody Special to God. He served as one of the founding Pastors of Heritage of Faith Christian Center in Crowley, Texas.

Jerry J. Savelle, 77, went home to be with the Lord on April 15, 2024. He spent his last day on earth fulfilling his purpose teaching people the Word of God

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