(Rom. 8:16,17)
You have the Spirit of Christ living inside you. He is the One who lets you know for certain that you are a child of God. Since the Holy Spirit is living inside of you, you don’t have to experience doubts or confusion anymore. You know that you know that you know that you are a child of God.
As His child, you have become an heir of God. An heir receives whatever is left to him in a will. Our will is the New Testament. The Word says that a will or testament does not go into effect until the testator dies. Our will (the New Testament) went into effect at the death of Jesus Christ.
Not only did Jesus die that we might receive our inheritance, He also arose from the dead to be the executor of His own will. In other words, Jesus is the One who sees to it that we receive what was designated as ours in the will.
Everything that has been given to you in the New Testament is God’s will for you. All of the promises and provisions mentioned are rightfully yours. You did nothing to earn or merit them—a rich relative just named you as an heir.
The blessing of being an heir of God expands with the phrase “joint heirs with Christ.” Jesus, the Son of God, is heir to everything that the Father has. The Word calls you a joint heir or a co-heir with Jesus. Everything Jesus inherited as the Son of God is also part of your inheritance.
You have already been blessed far beyond anything you could imagine. Only God could have written such a marvelous will, with your name included in it. He has revealed God’s will to you so you will know that you will never lack anything.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
Billy Joe Daugherty was founder and pastor of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was also the founder of Victory Christian School, Victory Bible Institute and Victory World Missions Training Center. Five hundred twenty-three Victory Bible Institutes have been started in eighty-five countries around the world. He inspired individuals and ministries with his life, love and influence for more than 30 years.