Hold Fast to Your Healing with the Hand of Faith

by Mark Brazee | 365 Days of Healing

“Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown” (Rev. 3:11).

So many times people go to large meetings and get healed. But six weeks or six months later, the same symptoms return to their bodies, and some, in fact, end up worse off than before they were healed.

You may say, “Well, I thought God healed them.” Sure, He did. But the Bible says, “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thess. 5:21). Healing is good, so we have to hold fast to it. And the only way to hold fast is with the hand of faith.

So if you’re in a big meeting and God reaches out and miraculously heals your body, don’t turn it down. But once you’re healed, run back home to your Bible and feed on God’s Word.

Get full of the Word on the subject of healing. Then if the enemy tries to steal your miracle, you’ll be able to say with authority, “No, devil, you’re not taking away my healing! God gave it to me. It’s mine, and you’re not stealing it!”

Rise up and take a stance of faith. Refuse to be moved. Hold fast to your healing with the hand of faith!

Healing belongs to me! I meditate on the Word, which is greater
than any sickness or disease. The devil can’t make symptoms stick,
because the power of God’s Word in me drives them out!

Source: 365 Days of Healing by Mark Brazee
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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