“We went through the fire and water, but then You bought us out and refreshed us.” (Ps. 66:12).
We have just experienced the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression, add to that the increase in natural disasters, the global warming scenario and one can understand why the world has been gripped by such a wave of fear and panic. There is an enormous amount of fear in the world today; in fact that fear is tangible and one would be naive to suggest there was not cause for concern. But this isn’t the time to become pessimistic or afraid; unlike the world, we have God’s promises to stand on!
I encourage you to stand strong in this season of your life! Always remember the Kingdom of God is not in recession, it’s not now, never has nor ever will be! The Kingdom is not in crisis, and we must not allow the world’s thinking to influence us and fear to shake our faith.
It’s painfully obvious that if you place your hope in the world’s system it will fail. Jesus told us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things—the necessities of life—shall be added to you! We need to focus on Christ, His finished work and the grace of God, rather than focusing on our own faith. The Lord tells us not to worry about the things we need to eat, drink and wear—the necessities of life, but to seek first the way His Kingdom operates and all of these other things shall be added to us.
The Message Translation puts it this way:
What I’m trying to do here is get you to relax, not to be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God’s-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Don’t be afraid of missing out…The Father wants to give you the kingdom itself.
(Luke 12).
Would it not be pointless for us to continually pray for revival if we do not demonstrate the Kingdom of God here on earth? Jesus never instructed us to pray for revival, He told us to pray “Your Kingdom come.” Where? here and now! “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” When? Here and now!
The principles of God Kingdom operate radically different to the ways of the world. I love the way The Message Bible puts verse Matt 5:48: “In a word, what I’m saying is, grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it….”
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Col Stringer is the son of a professional hunter, born in the rugged desert country of Australia. During his life in the Northern Territory Col was awarded the Mariner Fishing Writer of the Year award (Australia) (1979), won a Swedish Gold Medal for a world record shark capture, and was featured in two outdoor documentary films for Australian and American television. Col also successfully hosted his own outdoor and fishing television program for four years and has written 10 books on fishing, hunting and wildlife. His book about a true story of a giant rogue crocodile has become a best seller. His business ‘Fishing and Outdoor World’ was hugely successful, leading to improvement in wildlife safari and wildlife photography.
Col and Jan Stringer pastored in Darwin before being invited to the USA (1979) travelling and speaking. He then pastored a church in California, returning to Australia in 1982. They took over a struggling church that blossomed into the largest church in the state of the Northern Territory. The church, under the Stringer’s leadership, hosted such internationally known ministries as Kenneth Copeland, Dr Jerry Savelle, singer Cliff Richards. Several struggling business people have become multi-millionaires using principles gained from the Stringer’s Bible teachings on goals, dreams, overcoming against the odds etc.