Balancing Family and Church

by Lynette Hagin | Articles, Christian Living

I believe it is easy for people to get in a ditch on either side of the issue—either neglecting family or neglecting the church. In order to find proper balance between the two, I encourage you to look to the Lord.

How do you balance family and church? It seems that there is a constant struggle between the two. Is reducing your commitments at church for the sake of your family being selfish?

“The Lord will guide you always: he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail” (Isa. 58:11 NIV).

We live in a busy and complicated world, where most of us are constantly trying to figure out our priorities. We find ourselves with too much to do and not enough time to do it all.

When I was growing up, my parents were pastors of a church. My entire life revolved around our church and its activities. In those days, it seemed there was no life outside of church.

Eventually, because some parents were neglecting their children, parents began to realize that God expected them to care for their family as well as for the church. Unfortunately, it seemed people could not find a balance between the two.

So instead of neglecting their family, some people began to concentrate so much on their family (such as getting their children involved in all types of athletics as well as other extracurricular activities) that the church became neglected and less important than everything else.

This wasn’t what God intended either.

Misdirected Priorities
Frankly, my husband and I have been quite disturbed at the example today’s parents are setting for their children when they allow everything else to take priority over the functions of the church.

By setting this example, parents are teaching their children that everything else has priority over God. Then parents will ask us concerning their grown child, “Why is my child not serving the Lord?”

It may be that they did not make serving the Lord the mainstay of their life when their children were at home. The years parents have to raise their children pass quickly. It is important that we make every day count.

One scripture that I was taught very early in life was Matthew 6:33, which says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

I always reference this verse when I need to sort out my priorities. As a parent, I tried to teach my children that God’s Kingdom comes before anything else. My husband and I also endeavored to live a balanced life with our children.

We set aside time for church, as well as time for school and family activities. The children were involved in athletic activities, but not to the extent that athletics consumed our entire life. (If parents allow sporting events to consume their children’s lives and never build a relationship with them outside the realm of sports, those parents won’t have a relationship with their adult children when the years of athletics are over.)

I believe it is easy for people to get in a ditch on either side of the issue—either neglecting family or neglecting the church.

In order to find proper balance between the two, I encourage you to look to the Lord, and He will give you wisdom to establish your priorities. He will show you where you can redeem the time and therefore be able to honor your commitments at church AND take care of your family.

Yes, it is possible. And God will show you how if you seek his guidance.

Kenneth Hagin Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Passionate, joyful, and vibrant . . . these words best describe Lynette Hagin. Lynette is an author, teacher, and conference speaker and host. She serves as the Director of Rhema Bible Training College and General Manager of Kenneth Hagin Ministries. She also assists her husband, Kenneth W. Hagin, in pastoring Rhema Bible Church.

Her positive, practical, and often humorous presentation touches people from all walks of life. Lynette is committed to helping people succeed in life by sharing a life-changing, powerful message—“You can make it!”

Lynette’s leadership has been instrumental in shaping the lives of thousands of women through her annual Kindle the Flame® Women’s Conference. Many more lives are touched through Rhema Praise, a weekly television broadcast, and Rhema for Today, a weekday radio program, both of which Lynette cohosts with her husband, Kenneth. They also conduct Living Faith Crusades around the world. Lynette exemplifies the woman of balance—balancing womanhood, motherhood, and ministry as she encourages and inspires others to do the same. She is ordained through Rhema Ministerial Association International.