While on a mission trip to northern Canada recently, our missions team spent some time ministering to a Native Cree woman who was born in the bush nearly sixty years ago. Her father taught her to hunt, trap, and fish as a young girl, and how to survive in the wilderness of northern Saskatchewan during the bitter winters. Her mother taught her to sew animal skins into clothing, mittens, and moccasins and learn about nature.
Having little formal education, she was taught by her parents from an early age that “nothing is impossible” and that she could survive any situation that she faced in life. Little did they know, years later she would have an experience with God that would change her life forever.
She received Jesus into her heart and learned enough English to begin reading the Bible. The words gave her great hope and encouragement and Philippians 4:13 became her favorite scripture: “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.” Admittedly, she has lived a hard life, but refuses to be defeated.
Married in her teenage years, she was physically abused by her husband who was a drug addict and alcoholic. He eventually abandoned her and the children, and she assumed responsibility to provide for and raise the children on her own. Whenever she would become discouraged, she would meditate on and confess her favorite scripture.
Today, she is a great grandmother, a Professor at the Cultural University in Prince Albert teaching the Cree dialect (still has no formal education), an entrepreneur selling art created from biting the bark of Birch trees (sold internationally), a licensed Minister of the Gospel in Canada, a professional trapper selling animal skins to a local trading post, a self taught guitarist and songwriter…she is a living testimony that God’s Word is true!
She ministers the love of God everywhere she goes and reaches out to people in need of encouragement. Whenever she encounters a situation and does not know what to do, she simply gets quiet and prays in the Spirit until He speaks to her and gives her the direction she needs. She’s full of the Holy Ghost and power and certainly inspired each of us.
The one spiritual truth deposited in me during this time with her, that inspires me so much, is that Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing resides in me. As a result of His abiding Presence and His anointing, I’m not only strengthened but empowered and enabled to accomplish things far beyond my natural expectations.
I must simply dare to believe His Word is true, practice quieting myself and praying in the Spirit in order to hear His voice. I must be obedient to do what He tells me to do and allow Him to perform His Word in my life.
Truly, this is a place of immense blessing and reward that guarantees a life filled with “adventures” as we learn to walk more intimately with Him. Remember, you can do all things through Him. I challenge you to allow Him to prove Himself to you today!
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Since Living Word's earliest years, Kent Otey served Living Word in many capacities. In 1983, he joined the staff of Living Word full-time and served in various capacities which included evangelism, singles, counseling, and pastoral care. Kent was licensed and then ordained by Living Word in 1985. In 1996, he became director of Living Word's Missions Outreach.
Led by Kent, LWCC Missions teams travel to other nations and preach and teach the Gospel in hospitals, schools, orphanages, prisons, on the streets, in conferences, and crusades. Since 1996, over 150,000 people in 50 nations have received Christ as a result.