I Hunger…I Thirst

by George Stover, Jr. | Uncategorized

I Hunger…
Nothing has caught my attention quite like the thought of experiencing a true revival (or awakening) that sweeps the city, nation, and the world. There burns in my heart a yearning for a revival such as was experienced during the various Great Awakenings.

Latter rain and charismatic renewal outpourings. It is my desire to position, not only myself and my church, but our city and our nation to receive and propagate an atmosphere conducive to these kinds of divine visitations.

One can readily see the need for such heavenly intervention in the affairs of man. Our homes are fraught with strife. Children are deprived of the guidance of both father and mother Many are born out of wedlock. Our streets drink the blood of our young slain over gang turf rights. Corporations are brought to ruin through men and women devoid of integrity, and the religious community is racked with scandal as their leaders fall into moral depravity and corrupt activity.

Christians live their lives as though they have never met the living Lord of Glory. The world cannot tell the difference between those who profess to be born-again and those who pursue a life of self-satisfying pleasure.

Is there a remedy for the condition of contemporary society or is it too late? Can an individual or group of people prepare themselves and position themselves for revival and usher in another great awakening?

I believe with all my heart that you and I can seed the clouds of heaven with the seed of His Word in prayer and that the Lord will send revival rain, the likes of which, we have not seen unto this day.

There will be a downpour of Holy Ghost conviction and power that will totally revitalize the Church and woo and win the lost until they cry out, “What must I do to be saved?”

How will this happen, you may say? Prayer…the fervent, supernatural, impassioned, effectual prayer of the redeemed. God will answer those who are hungry to walk in covenant with Him. He will do nothing without it and everything with it.

I Thirst…
“As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for You, O God” (Ps. 42:1 AMP).

When our sole desire is to meet with our God in His secret place, we will find our thirst satisfied. When the Bread of heaven is sought more than food, our hunger will be sated.

As we ask, seek and knock, we will find ourselves face to face with the Lover of our soul. There He will withhold no good thing.

Revival that lasts begins in the heart of those who pray and obey what they receive in prayer. Their response allows a flow of individual revival that is paramount to corporate revival.

A passion for the Presence is required for those who would experience a fresh awakening because there is a need for the patience that only a love relationship can bring, and prayer breeds intimacy.

Every seeker for the refreshing winds of revival must trust God explicitly and be willing to wait upon His timing. The right things done in the wrong season will not bring the fruit desired.

Seasons of sowing in prayer are the requisite for seasons of revival harvest that will sweep congregations, cities and nations into granary of awakening.

We are to draw near to God, knowing without a doubt that He will draw near to those that seek Him. He Who desires that all be saved is stirring the church to enter into impassioned prayer. He has determined to do nothing without His chosen Bride.

In this hour She is being called to ascend to Her rightful place as co-laborer and joint-heir with Christ Jesus.

He will answer such prayer because it flows with His determined purpose to harvest the increase from the Seed He has sown.

For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory….
(Heb. 2:10 KJV)

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
(Rom. 8:29 KJV)

Copyright © Wellspring Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

This earth was blessed with the presence of George Stover from September 26, 1941, until September 24, 2018. Days before his 77th birthday, he left this earth for his heavenly home.

Born again in 1973 and ordained in 1984, he preached the prophetic Word of God with signs and miracles following. He was a prophetic psalmist, writing many worship songs. He played the guitar, organ, and accordion. Dr. George was a prophetic voice to the nations, traveling extensively in the Philippines, SE Asia, China, Nigeria, Jamaica, and Mexico. He was a man of great faith who pleased his Father God.

He left behind a lifetime of teaching. You can watch the videos 24/7 by going to our YouTube Channel. By the Grace of God, the work that Pastor George and Pastor Sharon founded in 1987 continues to this day. You are invited to visit us in person and share in the rich presence and goodness of our Lord.

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