This is one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs, and I believe it’s one of the greatest love ballads ever written. Seriously, what did this high-pitched voice little boy in a purple hat tilted to the side know about being there for somebody? Well, Michael may not have known anything about romance (other than an innocent crush on Diana Ross), but he knew about relationship – the state of participants being connected or bound together.
I want to remind you that relationships are extremely important to God. You see, He cares more about how you treat people than he does about what you accomplish. It is the second greatest commandment.
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
(Matt. 22: 37-40 NIV)
Sadly enough, our technology-driven, get rich quick, I want it all right now, and self-centered society deemphasizes relationship and overemphasizes individualism.
Are you guilty?
You can get so busy running the kids around that you forget to ask them what they know about Jesus.
You can be so bull-nosed on a project that your team members would rather work with Freddy Krueger instead of you.
You rave about your blessings without empathizing with a family member who has fallen on hard times.
You fuss at your spouse for being inconsiderate, but you haven’t made any effort to understand his or her hectic day.
I’m sure you can relate in some way. Well, God is not pleased.
Maybe you’ve been struggling in your relationships lately. You’ve been focusing more on you than on those around you. I read somewhere, “People don’t remember what you do; they remember how you make them feel.” Live every day like it’s your last because eulogies aren’t delivered by strangers or distant fans. They are written and read by a close friend or family member. We are commanded to love people the way God loves us. Let your heart break for the things that break His.
5-Step Challenge
Make a list of three to five relationships that could use a little TLC. Now, choose two of those people to intentionally focus on this week.
- Repent. Humble yourself and ask God to forgive you for any bitterness or anger.
- Pray. Ask, believe, and expect God to fully restore the relationship back to Him. He loves reconciliation!
- Reach out. Make contact ASAP via text, phone, email, tweet or something. It can be as simple as a short Bible verse. Don’t procrastinate. Tomorrow is not promised.
- Apologize. If an apology is necessary, swallow your pride and handle your business. God hates pride. Kill it before it kills you!
- Wait. Broken or hemorrhaging relationships take time to heal. Allow the Holy Spirit to work.
It’s time to get serious about your relationships. Ultimately, they should reflect your relationship with God. Make a decision today to glorify God in every relationship – marriage, children, siblings, parents, colleagues, neighbors, in-laws, and church family. You don’t have to be perfect, but you do have to be intentional.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Remember to cut people some slack. No one can keep all the promises little Michael makes in this song. At some point, you will be let down or you will do the letting down. Only God can live up to every promise…only God.
Copyright Saki Milton
Saki Milton is known for her visually creative and energetic presentations for young audiences. Saki is skilled at speaking on a range of topics such as student leadership, the Christian walk, overcoming life challenges, career, and academics.
Saki has an undying passion to help America's youth achieve their fullest potential through practical spiritual growth, educational attainment, and leadership development. She has devoted her life for the past 15 years to developing young leaders in her community.
Saki is a gifted storyteller whose words of real-life testimonies pierce the hearts of young Christian audiences. In March 2011, Saki gave her first sermon for The FIRE House Youth Ministry of The Potter’s House Church of Dallas.
In 2003, Saki rededicated her life to Christ after straying from God while in high school and college. Not only is Saki a devoted Jesus freak, she is also a professional and role model to today’s teens. Saki has held various professional roles in the field of education as a teacher, tutor, consultant, and entrepreneur. Saki became a first generation graduate when she earned her Bachelors of Arts in mathematics from The University of Texas at Austin. She didn’t stop there. She went on to graduate from the top ranked Southern Methodist University Cox Graduate School of Business with a Masters of Business Administration in marketing.
In 2010, her love of mathematics led her to create The GEMS Camp. The camp has served more than 70 middle school Dallas inner-city girls and was awarded as a mini-grant award recipient for July 2010 by the National Girls Collaborative Project.
Saki now resides in Charlotte, NC where she is an active member of Elevation Church. Since joining Elevation, she volunteers in the production ministry. Her mission is to help others practically change their lives through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
In her spare time, she writes inspiring words about everyday life on her blog, Cupasaki.