I Will Remember

by Beth Jones | Uncategorized

I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.
(Ps. 77:11-12 NIV)

Need some encouragement today? Remember the deeds of the Lord in your life! Think back, what has the Lord done in your life? What year was that life-changing, never-the-same year? How has He led you? What seasons has He taken you through? How has He come through for you? When have you sensed His nearness, His voice, His comfort, His training or His love in your life in a tangible way?

When the devil tells you that God has forgotten all about you – remember! When your emotions tell you God’s Word won’t work this time – remember! When you are tempted to give up or throw in the towel – remember! Remember His deeds in your life. Remember the miracles He has done for you. Remember His works.

As I’ve mentioned in previous devos, this past summer we made a trip to Hampton Beach, New Hampshire and I was able to revisit my stomping grounds from the summer of 1979. It was during the summer of ’79 that I joined a Campus Crusade for Christ Summer Project and spent the summer being discipled and doing beach evangelism. Fifty of us college kids stayed in one house. The boys lived on the bottom floor and we girls had small dorm rooms in the hot, upstairs. It was a life-changing summer.

When I knocked on the door of this house last summer, hoping I had found the right place – I felt a flood of emotions as soon as I walked inside. Yes, indeed this was the place. I remembered! This was the place where the Lord got a hold of my heart and set my feet on a new path. This was the summer that I grew by leaps and bounds. This was the summer that I had to get out of my comfort zone and share the gospel with strangers on the beach. This was the summer God changed and rearranged my entire life and future! This was the house where untold numbers of Jesus-focused conversations, prayers, tears, songs and discipleship happened.

Visiting that place filled my heart with gratitude and reminded me of how far the Lord had brought me. In the short 32 years since that summer, He’s done exceedingly and abundantly above and beyond all I could ask or think!

How about you? What do you need to remember today? Notice the Psalmist said, “I will remember…” and that means that sometimes we must make a choice as an act of our will. Today, choose to take a little journey down memory lane and revisit the sweet, loving, comforting, joyous, peaceful and even the challenging and correctional times you have had with the Lord. It will fill your heart with gratitude!

Say It:
Father, today I remember! I remember Your deeds. (Name them!) I will remember Your miracles. (Name them!) I will remember Your works (Name them!) I thank You that as faithful as You have been in my past; You will be as faithful in my future. I remember the Lord! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Beth Jones Ministries
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In September of 1991, Jeff and Beth Jones founded Valley Family Church. For over 30 years, they have led and pastored VFC with vision and passion to reach people for Christ. In January of 2023, they passed the baton of leadership to their son and daughter-in-law, Eric and Alexa Jones. They now serve as Founding Pastors and provide oversight, counsel and teaching. Pastor Beth also leads The Basics With Beth, an outreach of VFC. Click below to read a letter from our Founding Pastors.

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