In His Bosom

by Julaine Christensen | Uncategorized

There is nothing so wonderful as holding a brand new baby. The smell, the softness of the skin, and of course just the complete abandonment of the baby to the safety of the parent’s arms are blessings beyond anything the world has to offer.

What a joy to look into the sweet face of that precious baby and know that this package belongs only to you. As you hold that baby close to your chest, the baby is being prepared in your arms for its future.

Love, security, and speaking God’s Word over the baby while snuggled close to your chest prepares the child for plans yet to be unfolded by the Father.

During the next few years of growth, as the child stays nestled close to its mother and father listening (well, sometimes NOT), obeying, and maturing, the child’s destiny purpose begins to be unveiled.

A Journey We’ve All Taken
You are God’s child and He wants to unfold His great purposes for you life as well. Let me show you what I mean.

John 1 says,

No man has ever seen God at any time; the only begotten God, Who is in the bosom (in the intimate presence) of the Father, He has declared Him (He has revealed Him and brought Him out where He can be seen; He has interpreted Him and He has made Him known.)
(John 1:18)

The word revealed means apocalypse which means “something is covered before and now it is revealed—to pull the covers off.”

Jesus lay in the bosom of the Father. He had close intimate fellowship with Him. I can almost hear the Father whisper to Jesus, “Son, it is time for your purpose on earth to be revealed. I am going to pull the covers off now and expose you to a lost world. It is time for you to redeem my children.”

Jesus was prepared in the bosom of the Father for His destiny. His life would save a lost and dying world.

I love this scripture in John 12:49 where Jesus says: “…I have never spoken on my own authority or of My own accord or as self-appointed, but the Father Who sent Me has Himself given Me orders (concerning) what to say and what to tell.”

Hidden in the arms of His Father, He heard and He obeyed.

In John 13:23, we see that the disciples found that place in Christ the Son found in the Father, “One of His disciples, whom Jesus loved (whom He esteemed and delighted in), was reclining (next to Him) on Jesus’ bosom.”

Jesus lay in the bosom of the Father so that we too would have access to the same position in Christ that Jesus has with the Father.

Let’s take it a step further. Jesus lay in the bosom of the Father until it was time for Him to be revealed here on earth. I believe that the Father is calling us into the arms of Jesus hidden away in His bosom until the time when He Himself will pull back the covers to reveal His plan and purpose for each of our lives.

Even further God is calling the church into His bosom so that in time He will reveal the bride to His Son. WOW! What a beautiful revelation.

Where are you locating yourself these days? Is it time for a relocation celebration right into His arms? I want to challenge you to a life of relationship so intimate with Jesus that it goes beyond anything you have ever experienced.

Ask Him what that means for your life. Each of our journeys is different. Each walks a different road. What does lying in the bosom of Jesus mean for you? Jesus is waiting with loving arms.

Copyright © Julaine International Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Julaine Christensen is an author, psalmist, revivalist, and teacher, and she has spent her life serving the body of Christ as a "mother" to the church. The mission of her apostolic ministry has always been to equip sons and daughters to seek the Kingdom of God through worship, prayer, prophecy, and relationship with the Holy Spirit.

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