If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, yes shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7).

I could now make those statements with full assurance that God would honor His Word. It was a strange feeling on the inside of me. In my spirit I knew I had abundance, yet I could plainly see with the natural eyes it was not manifest.

I had prayed and asked the Father for some more land. I said, "I don't know where there is any land available, but I know you do, and I ask you in the name of Jesus to cause it to come to me. I see in your Word where you said the angels were ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who are heirs of salvation. Therefore I say the ministering spirits will begin to work and cause the land to come to me in Jesus' name."

I was excited about positive prayer, and I never prayed about that again. I began to praise God for the answer.

About two weeks had passed and I had really not even thought about it. I had considered it done when I prayed. That morning the phone rang. When I answered, the party told me who she was and said, "We are going to sell our farm, do you want to buy it?"

It caught me by surprise because I knew many people had tried to buy small plots from them to no avail. I know I stuttered but finally said, "Yes, I would." I made an appointment to meet with them that night.

As I hung up the phone my wife said, "What are you going to do?" I said, "I am going to buy the farm." She kind of laughed and said, "What are you going to use for money?" The next sentence came right out of my spirit, "Money is no problem."

I just stood there goggle-eyed at what I had said. It had come out of my spirit because my head knew I didn't have any money. But my spirit was programmed to abundance.

My oldest daughter was standing there and we all three joined hands, agreed, and said with our mouths, "The farm is ours in the Name of Jesus."

The day that followed proved to be very trying to that faith statement, but we would not negate that statement. Oh, I wanted to, sometimes very badly, but I would shut my mouth and not say it.

This is where the fight of faith is lost so many times, just one inch below the nose (the mouth).

In one of those trying hours I was driving home and from all outward circumstances it looked as though the farm was going to another person. I was praying in the spirit (in tongues) and the Spirit of God spoke up on the inside of me and said, "Go speak to the mountain."

I knew who the mountain was; another man bidding for the farm. I didn't know what to say but I confessed "The Spirit of truth abideth in me and teaches me all things and I have the mind of Christ."

I talked to the man and he said, "I don't really need the farm. If you want it I will withdraw my bid." He withdrew his bid and the mountain was removed! They sold me the farm.

Source: The Tongue: A Creative Force by Charles Capps.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers