So many times people try to feel or touch God in the realm of the five senses. They try to reach out to God and say, "Lord, I didn't feel You today. Would You touch me one more time?"

But as you grow in the power and Spirit of the living God, you begin to grow beyond the realm of touch. You begin to grow beyond the realm of the five physical senses.

You begin to grow in the light of God's Word, and even when you don't feel God and you're in the valley of discouragement, thinking, "God, do You know where I am?" Jesus said, "I'll never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb. 13:5). He's with you every minute of your life.

I decided years ago to believe the whole Bible, quit being God's opponent and walk in the flow of the Holy Spirit. Until then, I never realized God would take a Cajun boy from South Louisiana and call him to preach all over the world.

One time I was preaching and the anointing of God was upon me. In front of 4,000 people, the wind hit my notes and blew my page over. I didn't notice it and read a point on another message.

It didn't make any more sense than the man on the moon. I was talking about the love of God and all of a sudden I read, "You must sanctify yourselves.

"I said to myself, "This isn't making any sense." I preached the rest of a whole other sermon and never knew it. Over three hundred people got saved that night.

When I got back to the hotel I said, "God, that was trash, nothing seemed to fit."

God reminded me of the three hundred who'd given their lives to Him that night.

I told Him, "You must have clogged their ears, because what I said didn't make any sense. Oh no, it was terrible."

God told me to look at my notes.

I looked at them and said, "I didn't preach that tonight."

He said, "The wind blew over the page, and I thought it was the funniest thing."

I said, "God, You could have told me something."

He replied, "Tell you what, I enjoyed it."

So now I take paper clips with me, because I don't want any more "Oh, no's."

Jude 1:21 says, "Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life."

Source: The Ministry of Cheerfulness by Jesse Duplantis
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers