The Holy Ghost is not just smart; He is a genius. When you listen, cooperate, and respond to Him; He will make you look smart.

The Holy Ghost is a genius. If you will listen to Him, He will make you look smart. - B.B. Hankins

When the enemy has a scheme or strategy to come against you or your family, the Holy Spirit will warn you. He's a genius. He knows what the devil has planned. The Holy Spirit also knows what God has planned for you. He is concerned with every area of your life. If you will listen to Him, He will make you successful. Since He is a genius, He knows everything. He knows the mind of God and everything that Jesus has purchased for us. It is great to have a genius living in you.

The Holy Ghost is also a gentleman and will not interrupt you. Until you stop and recognize Him, He will allow you to keep doing what you are doing. You must stop and say, "Alright, what would the Genius like to say?" I heard Kenneth E. Hagin (Dad Hagin), say the Lord told him, "If we are led by the Holy Spirit, He would make us rich." He said the word "rich" means to have an abundant supply.

If we are led by the Holy Spirit, He will bring us into the blessing of the Lord and we will be a blessing to others. The Holy Spirit will help you in every area of your life. He will help you know who to marry, where to work, what kind of car to buy, when to buy a house, and what to do with your money. The Holy Ghost is a genius. He knows everything.

Summary Points:

  • The Holy Ghost is a Gentleman; He will not interrupt you.
  • If you will listen to Him, He will make you look smart.

Source: Let the Good Times Roll by Mark Hankins
Excerpt permission granted by MHM Publications