One nation under God. We're not talking about America here. What we're talking about is that there is one nation in the earth.

You belong to either one of two families. It doesn't matter what your skin color is. You might be black, you might be brown, you might be white, you might be yellow, you might be red. It doesn't matter.

One Of Two Families
You only belong to one of two families: That's either the family of God or the family of Satan. I'm going to say it again: You either belong to the family of God, or you belong to the family of Satan.

John 1:12 tells you how you get into the family of God. It says:
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name….
If you have not received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, then the family you belong to is the family of Satan. If you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you belong to the family of God.

So, we all have the same daddy if we're saved; and we have the same daddy if we're not.

I'm going to tell you who my daddy is: God. That's right; the Father, the son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I'm of the family of God. Is anybody else in this great country in that family? Well, then, you're my brother and you're my sister.

Unfortunately however, you have some, in fact many, of those in God's family operating in areas that belong to the family of the devil. Sometimes they know; sometimes they may not fully recognize what they're doing. I encourage you to operate in the family of God and not the family of the devil.

The Word says, God created man in his image and his likeness. Mankind is the only being in the universe that has the right of choice. Now, angels can choose; but they don't have the right to choose on their own what to do. The angels that did that wound up in big trouble.

You are the only thing that has the right to determine your destiny. Only you can determine your destiny. You can decide whether or not to go to heaven; you can decide whether or not to go to hell. God will protect your right to go to hell, if you want to.

Either Way, It's Your Decision
You decide, because you have the very likeness of God. God spoke and it came to pass, and you speak and it comes to pass. You've been given creative ability through the power of your words, just like God.

So, we're made in God's image; we are made in God's likeness. Then the Bible says that God blessed Adam and Eve. I looked up that word, blessed, because I wanted to know what really it was that God did.

The word blessed means to invoke divine favor upon. God placed favor, divinely, upon his first man. Blessed also means, to confer well-being or prosperity upon. So, God blessed the first man and the first woman.

God gave them favor, and God made them to prosper. Why? That's what God's will was. God's will was for mankind to operate in favor in the earth; and for mankind to prosper, period. That was the will of God.

God never intended for poverty to exist. He never intended for strife to exist. He never intended for these things to dominate this planet. But he gave man a choice, if they chose to go that way.

Some people think that if something is God's will, that it would automatically happen. Wrong. God's will is not automatic. The Bible says that it's God's will that every man be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth. Every man won't be saved. It won't be because God didn't do something about it, he sent Jesus. He shed his blood. He paid the price for our sins. He rose from the dead.

The gospel is being preached. There will still be people who will reject it. They have the right to do it, even though it's the will of God that everyone be saved.

God's will is not automatic; it's what you decide to do that will determine what happens. God did not think that Adam and Eve were going to be the only people on earth. He started out with them, and he expected to grow from Adam and Eve an entire world, or nations, of people who are in their image. Their image is that they are like God. Their image is that they be blessed. Note what else He said: Be fruitful.

You're going to have to decide which nation you're going to be a part of. You either do things God's way or Satan's way. There are a lot of Christians confused. They have one foot in God's camp and His way, another foot in the other camp, and then wondering why they're getting mixed results.

Judgment seems to come on them and their family. Things don't seem to work for them. They don't look like Adam before the fall.

Jesus had a charge; and that charge was to pay the death penalty, pay the price for what Adam did. That charge is to create a new race to repopulate the earth.

Jesus' charge is: Restoring the rightful place of man back to where it was at the beginning and then better. Jesus' charge was to grant eternal life for whoever would follow. That which the first Adam lost, must be restored. God will not have it any other way.

For that to come about, men will have to become godlike in character and actions. They must walk in God's blessings of favor; well-being, prosperity, fruitfulness and they must multiply.

God expects us to populate, praise God. The best way to populate is to get people born again and filled with the Holy Ghost. Change them from darkness to light, in the name of Jesus.

Then we really will be one nation under God.

Copyright © Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.