But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble—hard to deal with and hard to bear.
(2 Tim. 3:1)
The Holy Spirit wants us to understand that in the last days, there will set in times of great stress and great trouble. There is nothing you can do to change that.

The Holy Spirit is telling us that it will be this way in the end time, but it does not say that it is going to be hard for you to deal with and hard for you to bear. It is telling us that we cannot confess this out of existence, but we can believe that it will not affect us.

Already, everything we hear in the world today is bad news. The television, newspapers and magazines just add stress and worry. You cannot turn the television on without hearing doom and gloom, or watch a show with your family and have it be decent and moral. That's unheard of today!

Just to prove how our world tries to add stress and worry in our lives, I have listed a few things that I find comical given to us from "the experts."

First, they tell us that beef is bad for us, so we quit eating beef and start eating chicken. Then, they say chicken is bad for us because it's full of enzymes and chemicals. So, we go to eating fish, but fish isn't good anymore, and we certainly cannot eat shrimp.

Then, they tell all the women to have mammograms. So, we have mammograms. Then, the news informs us that nine out of ten mammograms are not accurate, so we can't depend on them.

And, I just heard recently that having you have too many electrical outlets in your home can cause cancer in your body! You can't turn on the television or open a newspaper without causing stress and trouble to your life!

Let me encourage you by saying that we are such a privileged generation to know that God chose US to live in this day and age, because it is truly the end time.

We are the generation that He chose to wrap all things up. The Word says that the entrance of God's Word brings light, and we are to be the light of the world representing Jesus Christ in this dark world!

When we walk in this dark, perverse world, the brightness, the light of God on the inside of you, expels darkness everywhere you go. Because YOU are the light of God.

There has been a "quote" popular among America recently of "Underachiever and proud of it!" This is putting in to the minds of children that they can be underachievers, or rebellious. They can fail at life and be proud of it! That hurts my heart. I don't want my children and grandchildren to be underachievers. That is the spirit of the world trying to take over our youth!

"They will betray their friends; they will be hotheaded, puffed up with pride, and prefer good times to worshipping God. They will go to church, yes, but they won't really believe anything they hear. Don't be taken in by people like that!"
Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God; for all these worldly things, these evil desires - the craze for sex, the ambition to buy everything that appeals to you, and the pride that comes from wealth and importance - these are not from God.
(1 John 2:15-17 TLB)
Now, is that the spirit that is in the world today? Just look at the ads in newspapers and magazines, and the topics on talk shows. We're in the end time!

Jesus is warning us that people will laugh and ask, "Where is the promise of His coming?" But then He says, "Don't be taken in by scoffers."

Matthew 24 says, "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man!"

In the days of Noah, sin had completely taken over, but there was ONE man who trusted and obeyed God. God instructed him to build an ark for the saving of his family.

For 400 years, Noah preached that the world would be destroyed by a flood. No one believed him, they laughed at him and called him "crazy Noah."

For 400 years, he was mocked and made fun of. Then one day God said, "Take your family into the ark." The earth was destroyed by a flood, except for Noah's family! The people began screaming and knocking on the ark yelling, "Noah, we believe you now, we believe you, let us in!" But it was too late. God saved Noah because he was righteous!

We do not know the day or the hour, but the Word of God does say we will know the season. He's coming, He's coming! The signs are all around us! The Bible is not just a book, it was inspired by God. The prophecies of God's Word are being fulfilled today!

When I was a young girl taking Biology, I remember being in the lab, and we were doing experiments with frogs. The teacher put this frog in a pot of boiling water, and that frog jumped out immediately!

But she took the same frog and put him in a pot of cold water, and she began to gradually turn the flame up. The water got hotter and hotter until the frog had sat there and let himself cook to death. He didn't even realize he was dying.

We are going to have to be so cautious. The spirit of the world is trying to get the Body of Christ to conform to its ways. The devil knows that we will jump away at first, but if he can gradually turn up the heat without us realizing how hot it really is, we can become cooked alive, become like the world and not even be aware it's happening. We are the ones who have to set the standard for the world!

I want to share a vision with you that I had one day while I was in South Africa. We were staying on the 28th floor at the Carlton Hotel in downtown Johannesburg. As I looked out the window, watching the cars go by with people going to work, I had this vision:

I saw these people falling over a cliff into hell, and I saw flames leaping, and heard terrifying screams. I heard these voices screaming, "You didn't tell me...You didn't tell me!"

These voices were trailing off and sounding further and further away still yelling, "You didn't tell me...You didn't tell me!" And all of a sudden, I saw my hand reach out to these people. And as my hand was holding them back, my arms begin to grow and grow and grow like rubber holding more people back.

From that day to this day, I will not keep my mouth shut, I will tell you! I have to tell you! I am telling you - get ready! Jesus is coming sooner than you think! Get your household ready! Get your family ready! Signs of His coming are everywhere! He's coming so soon!

We have to be the light to the world, we have to share Jesus with the world! If God so loved Noah that He had him build an ark for the protection of his household, and if God got righteous Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah before it was destroyed, then you can count on Jesus to appear and take us out of here!

Get ready - I've told you - Jesus will be here sooner than you think! "Know that it is near, even at the door!" (Matt. 24:33)

Copyright © Jerry Savelle Ministries International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.