You've probably heard people say negative things about "mega-churches." Often, the thought of attending a ministry with a congregation of thousands can be intimidating, especially if you've come from a small or moderately-sized church with a few hundred to a thousand members.

But if God has called you to a large church, there is no way around becoming part of the life of that ministry—even if it seems overwhelming at first. The key to transitioning into and learning to enjoy attending a large church is simply to get involved!

At World Changers Church International, serving in the ministry isn't some special job that is reserved for ordained ministers and those who are called to the pulpit. Serving in the ministry is "spiritual employment."

When God has called you to join a particular church, it is because you have something valuable to contribute, not only to the body of Christ, but to that specific body of local Believers.

Being a church member is more than getting your fill of the Word every Sunday and going home with notes in your journal. It is about giving back to people and imparting the information you learn in church into others so that they are equipped to make a mark in the world that cannot be erased.

When you make it your goal to serve and get involved with what is going on at your church, not only will you meet and fellowship with new people, but you will become integrated into your church community. You won't feel like a small fish in a big pond when you start to swim with the other fish around you!

In 1 Kings 17:2-4, the Lord commanded Elijah to go to a certain brook where He promised to sustain him. It says:
And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before the Jordan. And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.
God provided for Elijah before He sent him to this brook. All Elijah had to do was follow His instructions. Likewise, when God calls you to a particular body of Believers, everything you need to be spiritually sustained awaits you. God also knows that you have something valuable to contribute to the ministry. You have what it takes to make an impact there.

The first thing to do is find out what areas of outreach exist at your church. There may be a hospital fellowship group, prison ministry or soul-winning team. Different churches have different areas in which to volunteer; the key to finding out where you belong is to pray and ask God to lead you.

Don't pick an outreach and decide that that's where you want to be. Seek God for His direction first. When you follow His guidance and go where He leads, the anointing will help you carry out your assignment with ease.

It will take some effort on your part to make your transition into a large church a smooth one. It may mean stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something you've never done before. The good news is that God will meet you at your point of obedience.

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and your decision to become actively involved in your church, the transition can be enjoyable. Before long, you will recognize familiar faces and make new friends.

You won't be just another face lost in the crowd, but you'll feel right at home, no matter how large your congregation.

World Changers Ministries
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